“Incorporate ways that you can appreciate that prospect throughout the sales cycle and then at the end of it and into the future, you’ll be amazed at how much repeat business referrals and recommendations you’ll get from instituting a practice of appreciation.” – Meshell Baker in today’s Tip 985
Who do you appreciate?
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Scott Ingram: You’re listening to the Daily Sales Tips podcast and I’m your host, Scott Ingram. Today’s tip comes from Meshell Baker. Meshell is a certified sales confidence igniter and an authentic selling crusader. She helps business owners and sales leaders tap into the unlimited human potential to create diverse and inclusive culture change and disrupt the sales training status quo. Here she is:
Meshell Baker: Hello, today’s daily sales tip is around, appreciation. Appreciation is defined as the good feeling and enjoyment of something or someone. Interestingly enough, in this fast-paced world of sales and acquiring more clients, we rarely hear people talk about the act of incorporating appreciation. We hear a lot about more how to get clients easier, how to funnel fill your pipeline, all the different things. How to shorten the sales process, how to increase your ROI, how to increase the amount of sales per sale. We rarely hear people telling the importance of appreciating those clients at one, we’ve already acquired and appreciating those prospects throughout the selling process.
Yet and still facts have shown and statistics have shown that companies that incorporate customer experiences is part of their process outperformed by 80%. They’re 60% more profitable in their bottom line, and that clients or American consumers are 17% more likely to actually take a higher price for goods and services when they know a company has a great reputation and a great reputation means that people are speaking a lot about you, and people would speak highly of those that they feel good about, and appreciation is an express route to creating good feeling.
So my question to you today in this sales tip is to stop and pause and ask yourself after listening to this, who can I appreciate? Make a list of the first people that come to mind and make it your business to go out and at least make one contact today. I have to call everyone but do something one per day to follow up with someone who is popping in your mind that you’re thinking I should have contacted them. I should have said thank you. It’s not an accident that you’re thinking about them. It’s absolutely amazing what will happen when you are honest and authentic. You follow up with people and you tell them, “Look, business got busy, right? I got caught up in the business of business and I failed or I wanted to get in touch with you. I wanted to follow up and I apologize that I didn’t and I couldn’t stop thinking about how awesome it was to work with you. So I’m contacting you now and I just wanted to say thank you.” It goes so far. Understand, there is a principle in our world, our universe the law of, you know, physics is that whatever you appreciate appreciates. Right?
So if you think about a plan, as long as you keep nurturing and appreciating, you will keep reaping the benefits you keep having harvest. The minute you stop in withers and dies and that’s what relationships especially.
So make a list of people. Make it your standard. Incorporate into how you do business and you do that free called planning, plan for a way to appreciate them. Even if you have a longer sales cycle. Incorporate ways that you can appreciate that prospect throughout the sales cycle and then at the end of it and into the future, you’ll be amazed at how much repeat business referrals and recommendations you’ll get from instituting a practice of appreciation.
So thank you so much for watching. Cheers to you for increasing your business, your bottom line by incorporating some appreciation and it’ll absolutely help you as far as your move when you start doing things of this nature, it’ll make sales a lot more fun and enjoyable. Have a great day and happy selling.
Scott Ingram: To connect with Meshell, so you can show her your appreciation and for a link to her website, just click over to DailySales.Tips/985.
Once you’ve done that, be sure to come back tomorrow for another great sales tip. Thanks for listening!