“You will start to become very aware of your choices and it will give you the opportunity to change them to something so you have the results you desire.” – Meshell Baker in today’s Tip 1066
Are you unstoppable or are you unstable?
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Scott Ingram: You’re listening to the Daily Sales Tips podcast and I’m your host, Scott Ingram. Today’s tip comes from Meshell Baker. Meshell is a certified sales confidence igniter and an authentic selling crusader. She helps business owners and sales leaders tap into unlimited human potential to create diverse and inclusive culture change and disrupt the sales training status quo. Here she is:
Meshell Baker: Hello and welcome to today’s Daily Sales Tip and today’s tip is a question to you. My question to you is, are you unstoppable or are you unstable? Yes, you heard me say unstoppable or unstable. So let’s dive in.
Unstoppable is defined as being impossible to stop to prevent being incapable of being stopped. Now, unstable is prone to change, fail, give way, or not steady. And the reason I ask you this is because sales is not an easy career. You are constantly being met with the unplanned, the unexpected, the uncomfortable, and uncertainty, and your decision about how you respond to those situations will define whether you are unstoppable or unstable.
Now, what happens for someone who has decided that no matter what I will succeed, they have taken hold of their thoughts. And I want you to know that every human being, on average has 60 to 70,000 thoughts a day, and it has been shown that 90% of those thoughts are the same as yesterday.
So what that basically means is that when you are thinking about being successful in sales, when you are saying, I need to, I have to and I’m trying. You’re actually repeating the thoughts from yesterday. You are generally doing the activities of yesterday. And because everything starts with a thought, that means that the same thought will create the same choice, the same choice will create the same behavior, the same behavior will create the same experience, and the same experience will produce you having the same emotions, which is just a loop. And we know that our decision is based on emotions.
So how do you change this? How do you get to the place where you become unstoppable?
We’re in the face of the unplanned, the unexpected, uncomfortable, and uncertainty that you hold steadfast in your emotional state of belief that no matter what happens, everything is working in my favor. I will succeed. This will be turned around no matter what the buyer says. No matter if the contract is signed or not. No matter if I get the job. If I get the promotion, I am still succeeding.
How do you hold that state?
Well, that goes to the habit of mindfulness. What are you doing and saying to yourself first thing in the morning? However, you start your day, if you start your day in problem, you are literally repeating what happened to you yesterday. Instead of beginning your day with a set and a standard non-negotiable that I am imprinting on myself, that today will be amazing. And the linchpin for this is to create and change the pattern so that you are actually experiencing the successful sales outcome that you desire and you know you are capable of. You did not take your sales job thinking you would not succeed and you are more than capable.
Anyone listening to this. No, you will succeed when you change your thoughts to see perceive and believe in success. And that begins with what you do first thing in the morning. Create a non-negotiable standard of meditation, a visualization of affirmation of your success, and hold on to it. No matter what you see, feel, hear and think. And as time goes by, you will be amazed at how you start to create the outcome, instead of responding and reacting to the situation.
Have an incredibly successful sales day today and remember or ask yourself all day long, “Am I unstoppable or am I unstable?” And you will start to become very aware of your choices and it will give you the opportunity to change them to something so you have the results you desire. Have a great day selling.
Scott Ingram: For links to connect with the unstoppable Meshell Baker, just click over to DailySales.Tips/1066. Once you’ve done that, be sure to come back tomorrow for another great sales tip. Thanks for listening!