“Remember, at the end of the day, if you’re not having fun, then it doesn’t matter how much money you make. You want to finish your day feeling fulfilled, feeling proud, feeling good about what you’ve done. So the people that you love, that you spend time with at the end of the day, get a loving person.” – Meshell Baker in today’s Tip 1743
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Scott Ingram: You’re listening to the Daily Sales Tips podcast and I’m your host, Scott Ingram. Today’s tip comes from Meshell Baker, our favorite sales confidence igniter and authentic selling crusader. Here she is:
Meshell Baker: Hello. Today we’re going to talk about what if selling was fun. I want to start with a quote by Will Thomas, There is no fear when you’re having fun. This is absolutely incredible to think about. Contrary to the belief that fun distracts you from productivity, it actually enhances it. You see, happy sellers are generally more focused and efficient in their tasks, their deliverables, and their outcomes. When you take breaks and do fun activities, it helps you to mentally reset, allowing you to return back to your work with increased energy and concentration. Remember, people love interacting with people who make them feel good and make them laugh and smile. And the comic relief in a meeting is always a powerful moment.
So how can you refocus your fun side? I’m going to give you three tips today.
One, become a believer in your offer. Do you truly believe in what you’re offering? Would you buy it given that opportunity? Do you think it’s the best option in all the competition that exists out there? You see, when you are a believer, you are not daunted by unbelievers. Those are potential prospects and clients who would say no. So become a believer. Take every opportunity to understand why what you offer is the best possible thing out there. It will give you conviction and it will put you at ease for when someone says no, which is tip two.
Stop fearing the no. Remember, the more nos, the more yeses. Top performers have desensitized themselves to the fear of no. Being worried about no only ensures that once you hear that response, you will freeze and you will no longer be able to think like a top-performing seller. So how do you prepare for the no? You want to start thinking about what is their response? What are you going to ask? What is the next step? Being prepared for the no is powerful. Then once you prepare and know your response, think about what that seller, that buyer will ask, then know what your next steps are.
Now you want to go role play. I hear you groan. All beginning sellers, most of them don’t like role playing. And role playing is one of the most powerful gifts you can give yourselves that will help you be productive and profitable because it’s practicing. And when you practice, when the stakes are zero in the roleplay, you are offering yourself the opportunity. You need to be prepared. When you’re roleplaying, always ask the person you’re roleplaying with to go all in. You want them to go hard on you. Don’t let them lob you softballs. You want them to make you uncomfortable as possible because this helps you to desensitize yourself to the no. You are prepared. You know what it feels like. And practice, practice, practice until no doesn’t matter anymore. Remember, practice makes you prepared, not perfect, and it prepares you to be emotionally equipped to receive any response and continue offering value.
Next one, value. Realize that what you’re selling is supporting. Value first, money follows. Remember, when you’re a believer in your own product and you’re prepared for the no, then you show them the value, show them the opportunity of what the solution, with the product, with the offer, whatever you have, let them know that it is going help them move forward in a way that’s going to leave them better off for having done business with you. Why is all of this important, having fun? Because you will be more creative, you will be more productive, you will be more impactful, and you will enjoy what you get to do.
Remember, at the end of the day, if you’re not having fun, then it doesn’t matter how much money you make. You want to finish your day feeling fulfilled, feeling proud, feeling good about what you’ve done. So the people that you love, that you spend time with at the end of the day, get a loving person. Have a great day selling.
Scott Ingram: For more from Meshell, just click over to DailySales.Tips/1743. Once you’ve clicked over there, be sure to click back here for another great sales tip. Thanks for listening!