“My rule of thumb is if I am asked something three times, I will then if it’s something I can write down, I will write it down.” – Kaleigh Conners in today’s Tip 1826
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Scott Ingram: You’re listening to the Daily Sales Tips podcast and I’m your host, Scott Ingram. Today’s tip comes in the form of a clip from Kaleigh Conners’ presentation on self enablement from this year’s Sales Success summit that we just released in full on the Sales Success Stories podcast. Listen to this.
Kaleigh Conners: Because of how I learned things, this has naturally flowed into the next part here, which is documenting your processes. So like I said, I learned by reproducing. So if I find great information and it fits well into my existing system, or I’m like, oh, I should scrap this whole thing and follow this, it’s going to be documented, but you might be sitting here today and have a rock solid system. Is it written down? Is it something that you can turn to the person next to you and say, I’ll send that to you later so that you can see if it works for you. If it’s not, it might be something to consider because if you’re seeing success in your role, or if you’re not seeing success in your role, that could be the differentiator and change your life, your mindset, your habits, everything. So I highly recommend doing that because one thing I absolutely hate is when I ask someone, wow, how are you so smart? Like, it seems like you’re really successful. How do you do that? I don’t know, I just do it. I just absolutely want to punch someone in the face when they tell me, I don’t know, I just do it.
So you don’t know, like what time you wake up or there’s not. You don’t have a routine before bed or you don’t like close out at the end of the workday? I don’t know, just hit my number. Well, I don’t want to talk to you. So again, the documentation thing, if you have a system that works for the sake of everybody else, just write it down, but also for the sake of yourself. Documentation has saved me countless hours. Once you become the go to person at any company that you work for, you immediately put yourself out on a platter for all of the lazy people to say, this girl just made my life easy. Can I have everything that you just spent countless hours doing? And if it’s not written down, you’re about to have three hour meetings on your calendar for that one person to be debriefed on what you just spent a lifetime making. And that can become a huge energy suck, especially if you’re focused on optimizing your days and getting better at your craft.
You don’t necessarily time block catching everyone up to speed on your team of the things that you’ve been investing in yourself for. So my rule of thumb is if I am asked something three times, I will then if it’s something I can write down, I will write it down. If it’s something that would be more suitable to be recorded in a loom or a vineyard, I am recording it and then I’m putting it in a library. And the fourth person to ask me how to do this, I kindly say here it is. This has saved me. I don’t have the specific percentage of time that this has saved me, but it’s saved me a lot and a lot of frustration as well. So the other thing at my current company, because there are no trainers tools, you pretty much if you didn’t come from the exact same company or industry, it’s going to be really hard to succeed unless you’re a self enabler and can just figure it out. So because of my go to status I’ve also become the we have a new hire.
Can you show them everything we ever do at our company? And that doesn’t really fit into my calendar anymore either. So I now have libraries of here’s the get shit done list. If you’re new here, here’s that list. Here’s links to all the vineyards and how to’s and if you’re someone that already acts as that person at your organization, do yourself a favor by just creating it. It’s really gonna save all of your energy and give you back that energy to invest into your clients and opportunities and continue to advance your career without getting stopped along the way for questions.
Scott Ingram: For a link to Kaleigh’s full self enablement presentation, the slides and all the great resources she mentions, just Click over to DailySales.Tips/1826. Once you’ve clicked over there, be sure to click back here for another great sales tip. Thanks for listening.
Link to full episode featuring Kaleigh Conners:
Self Enablement: How to Survive Without Sales Enablement with Kaleigh Conners