“If you don’t go back and tie a personal goal of that individual, you don’t have much leverage with them.” – Walter Crosby in today’s Tip 1872
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Walter Crosby: When I talk to a sales leader and they’re struggling to get accountability to be effective with their salespeople, I find there’s usually one thing missing and that is what is in it for the salesperson? And what I mean by that is I like to tie a personal goal of the salesperson to, to everything along the accountability chain. So if that salesperson wants to buy a cottage, they want to buy a lake house. They need to save for something. They need to have a, they have a long term financial commitment that they want to make. They want to save some money to go buy something, a boat, a cottage, something financial. It’s going to take them a couple of years to get there. That’s what’s usually missing. We don’t have that thing that they want that we can use as leverage along the way.
When they miss their expectations, they miss the activity goal. Like, how are we going to help you get to that boat if you aren’t doing what you need to do every week? So let’s go back and figure out what we have to do. So the framework is the same, right? We want to set those expectations with the individuals and we want to hold them accountable to those on a weekly and monthly basis. But if you don’t go back and tie a personal goal of that individual, you don’t have much leverage with them. And it’s going to help connect their goals and the company goals together so that we can create some wins.
Scott Ingram: For links to connect with Walter and check out his podcast, just click over to DailySales.Tips/1872 Once you’ve clicked over there, be sure to click back here for another great sales tip. Thanks for listening!