“Face everything and rise and you will have success before you know it.” – Meshell Baker in today’s Tip 1024
How do you conquer fear?
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Scott Ingram: You’re listening to the Daily Sales Tips podcast and I’m your host, Scott Ingram. Today’s tip comes from Meshell Baker. Meshell is a certified sales confidence igniter and an authentic selling crusader. She helps business owners and sales leaders tap into unlimited human potential to create diverse and inclusive culture change and disrupt the sales training status quo. Here’s Meshell with some Monday Motivation:
Meshell Baker: Hello, this is your Daily Sales Tip and today’s tip is the other side of fear. Interesting and amazing fact about fear is that they have done research to show that biologically that fear and excitement are the same. They show up the same in our body. So you will get the same feeling of your palms, maybe being itchy, your armpits being tingling and itchy, your heart palpitasing, your eyes dilate, your breathing becomes rapid. It is the same thing. The only difference between fear and excitement is the story, and the story is a conditioning of your background, your upbringing, what you’ve been taught, and what you’ve been told.
So as a sales professional seeking to be at the top of your game, it requires and demands that you recondition yourself from the fear of rejection, from the fear of the “no” into the excitement and anticipation that you get to be valuable in that call. It’s very interesting. When I’m working with sales teams, I teach them that you can win on every sales call when you stop looking for the close and focus on the proposals.
So what does that mean? That basically means when you focus on being valuable. When you think about the buyer walking away excited for having met you, even if they don’t buy, because “no” doesn’t mean never. It simply means not now. So when you decide that I’m going to be valuable and if I’m valuable to enough prospects, to enough clients, somebody’s going to buy, somebody’s going to have to buy because this is awesome. This is amazing. Who would want to buy that? And that requires that you take time and you practice. It’s the repetition and the practice of facing the fear that will help you overcome the fear. Without it, you will never get there.
There’s a quote by Dale Carnegie, “Do the thing you fear to do and keep on doing it.” That is the surest and quickest way ever yet discovered to conquer fear. So it is nothing sitting there thinking about the fear. Finding someone to talk about the fear. Replaying the fear over in your thoughts is not how you erode and go through the fear. The only way to remove fear is to face it, and that requires that you think about what it is you want on the other side of that. So on the other side of the fear is something you greatly desire, because if there wasn’t a desired success for your sales career, if it’s being the top-performing set, success rep, if it’s making that President’s trophy, getting on stage, getting a promotion, getting that bonus, just building your career, whatever that is, there’s something on the other side of it that you want greatly, you desire greatly. But you’re faced with something that you see with your current eyes, an experience that maybe in the past you’ve had known before at another job or someone said something to you.
But remember, fear is simply a feeling. It’s simply a story that you have created about your current circumstances that are causing you to feel this overwhelming sense of fear. Synonyms of fear or you’re anticipating something going wrong. You’re avoiding it. You worry. You have an expectation of a bad outcoming. There’s dread. You’re fretting. You’re trembling. You shudder. You shrink away. You quiver. There’s all these things that start to happen in you physically and emotionally.
I’m here to tell you that it is not real. The acronym for fear is to forget everything and run that’s your option, or you can face everything and rise. And if you’re listening to these Daily Sales Tips, if you’re listening to these success stories of sales, you are facing your fear. So whatever you have going this week, I want you to think about who is the greatest client you ever desired? Who would you love to work with? Who would you love to work for? What would you love to create? And you start making those lists and looking at those lists every day and spending time and the belief that it is going to work in your favor. You don’t need to know the how, just paint the picture, give your mind something, something to look forward to, and you will be amazed at what starts to happen.
So face everything and rise and you will have success before you know it. There’s a quote by George Adore, “Everything you want is sitting on the other side of fear.” I look forward to meeting you there and celebrating with you. Have a great day selling.
Scott Ingram: For links to connect with Meshell and her website just click over to DailySales.Tips/1024. Once you’ve done that, be sure to come back tomorrow for another great sales tip. Thanks for listening!