“When you seek to give, you create this incredible opportunity and flow. It’s reciprocal, it creates reciprocity and before you know it, you will constantly be in the flow of prospects and opportunities and leads and conversations that expand your network.” – Meshell Baker in today’s Tip 1045
Are you a giver or a getter?
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Scott Ingram: You’re listening to the Daily Sales Tips podcast and I’m your host, Scott Ingram. Today’s tip comes from Meshell Baker. Meshell is a certified sales confidence igniter and an authentic selling crusader. She helps business owners and sales leaders tap into unlimited human potential to create diverse and inclusive culture change and disrupt the sales training status quo. Here she is:
Meshell Baker: Hello and welcome to today’s Daily Sales Tip. My question for you today is, are you a giver or a getter? Now, what does that mean, Meshell? That basically means, are you trying to get more clients, get more sales, get more prospects, get more leads? Are you out there grasping and grabbing for more opportunity to become a successful rep? Or are you giving of your time? The value you have, your knowledge, your skills, your network?
It is a very different way of selling and it’s an intriguing principle because as a sales professional, your job is basically to get more sales. So how does one switch from the mindset of that gravity grasping of the beginning of things which in essence, is taking?
I ask questions of everyone I meet who is interested in becoming a better seller. Does it feel good when someone takes something from you? No one says yes. Everyone hands down says “No, it doesn’t feel good.” And when you’re constantly trying to get, you’re constantly taking from someone.
Now, a giver has a different mindset and a focus, and a principle and that’s thinking in terms of how do I leave people that I’m communicating with and that’s prospects and buyers, their colleagues, their superiors, their bosses, their supervisors. How am I leaving people better off for having experienced me? How do I give of myself in the interactions I have throughout the day, which actually cultivates and creates more opportunity because it creates a network and it impacts and influences those around you, to think of you in a high manner. They’re more likely to refer you. You’re more likely to have opportunity come your way that you didn’t expect, that you didn’t even think you were capable of. People think of the first person that leaves them better off.
Maya Angelou has a quote and it says, “People forget what you said, they don’t remember what you did and they never forget how you made them feel.“
So when you are in the give, which I think of give, is that graciousness that you are not harsh on people you think in terms and understand that change is the constant. So how can I be gracious of whatever happens in sales, something almost always doesn’t go the way you plan. So how are you showing up? Are you a harsh taskmaster or are you gracious in understanding that this too can be made into something awesome no matter what has happened?
Are you inclusive? Are you thinking about people who would otherwise have an opportunity or would really appreciate an opportunity that may not have a seat at the table and include them in and give people chances to rise to the occasion?
Are you valuing others’ time? Again, going back to ensuring that people are left better off for having been in your presence, having been in conversation. Even if they don’t buy when you’re focused on leaving people better off. You actually expand your network a lot faster.
And are you executing in excellence? The ‘E’. Are you ensuring that any task you say yes to any opportunity, no matter how small you do it with excellence? There are some folks who think, Oh, this is not a big deal, so they don’t give all of their efforts and they don’t put a shiny little touch on it. That’s their touch of excellence. When you have a standard of doing all that you do with excellence, you will leave a little mark behind that is an imprint for others to see the impact. And again, it creates influence and opportunity.
So again, are you a getter or a giver? Because when you seek to give, you create this incredible opportunity and flow. It’s reciprocal, it creates reciprocity and before you know it, you will constantly be in the flow of prospects and opportunities and leads and conversations that expand your network. And as we know, your net worth is the equivalent of your network.
So again, think about where you can give where you can be gracious, inclusive, valuable, and excellent on all that you do on a daily basis, and have a great day selling!
Scott Ingram: For links to connect with Meshell, who definitely falls into the giver category, just click over to DailySales.Tips/1045. Once you’ve done that, be sure to come back tomorrow for another great sales tip. Thanks for listening!