“Your fear understand that it’s not real and then you want to accept it, acknowledge it, adapt, and anticipate that it will be favorable. ” – Meshell Baker in today’s Tip 1368
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Scott Ingram: You’re listening to the Daily Sales Tips podcast and I’m your host, Scott Ingram. Today’s tip comes from Meshell Baker. Meshell is a certified sales confidence igniter and an authentic selling crusader. She helps business owners and sales leaders tap into unlimited human potential to create diverse and inclusive culture change and disrupt the sales training status quo. Here she is:
Meshell Baker: Hello! Today we’re going to talk about How to 4X4 Your Fear of the Close. Starting with the top four reasons sellers are hesitant to close.
Number four. Overcoming objections. This is in part due to a lack of preparation or anticipating that the buyer might possibly say no and having contingencies in place and being willing to understand that sometimes you’re going to get a no but it doesn’t mean not never. So the experience of the seller is that they think that that objection creates in them a state of apprehension, doubt, and fear. And they focus on that instead of calmly asking another question, seeing where maybe in that part of the sale they weren’t clear enough.
Number three. Details of the presentation. This is definitely pre-call planning. Preparing yourself and knowing as much as you possibly can. And it also traces back. If you had a discovery call. What questions did you ask in preparation so that when you were speaking to that potential buyer of proposing to them what your product or offer is and how it helps them with a solution or to overcome a challenge. You’re prepared to allow that conversation to go in the manner is so that they can see the advantages and the benefits of saying yes.
Number two is inexperienced. Sometimes you just not have enough experience. It’s maybe the first few times you’ve actually had a conversation about the product or service with the buyer and you’re just getting your feel and your comfort and your confidence in your building up. This is rookies. Remember, practice makes you prepared, does it make you perfect?
And the number one reason is fear of rejection. Many sellers just have either established a rapport with a buyer or they’re just outright scared that somebody’s going to not like them. Or what happens if I just bomb so badly that I can’t ever come through this door again? So again it goes through a lot of this fear is emotional and it’s the story that the seller has created in their head about what they expect to happen to go wrong.
So now we’re going to go to the top four things that will help you to overcome this.
Number one is to accept. Accept the feeling of fear. It’s just a feeling, it’s not real. Remember, your mentality is your reality. The feeling doesn’t become real until you allow it to be the decision that you follow with the fear. So accept it and decide in that moment you want to do something different.
So acknowledging would be the next one. That’s where you say the fear. I’m feeling it. I acknowledge it. Now, what am I going to do with this? What am I going to do with this feeling of fear?
And then the next one is to adapt. Adapting how you actually have behaved in the past with these feelings and deciding that I am going to create a different outcome. Yes, historically, I have closed down. I have shut down. I have not known how to ask the question. I’ve run away, I’ve been embarrassed. And today or the next day is going forward, I am going to face it, even if I need to say out loud to the buyer; Hey, can I get a moment? Let me ask another question. Can I take a break? Can we reschedule this, be honest in that moment and adapt accordingly to the belief that you have something valuable for that buyer, that’s what will help you move through. And that’s why some of the preparation is very important.
And the last thing is anticipate. When you actually anticipate that you are valuable, that what you have to offer is valuable, that this is the right conversation at the right time, with the right buyer, with the right product, and you’re anticipating that it’s going to go well, it does not mean that you’ll still get the sale. And more than likely, you will move in a direction that is favorable. Even if they don’t buy today, when they do decide to buy, when you anticipate valuable outcomes, you leave that buyer better offer having met with you.
So again, 4×4 Your fear understand that it’s not real and then you want to accept it, acknowledge it, adapt, and anticipate that it will be favorable. Have a great day selling.
Scott Ingram: For links to connect with Meshell and for a transcript of this tip, just click over to DailySales.Tips/1368. Once you’ve done that, be sure to come back tomorrow for another great sales tip. Thanks for listening!