“There is an abundance that’s infinite, unending, and unlimited that is available to every human being, and you only have access to it when you master your money mindset.” – Meshell Baker in today’s Tip 1658
Do you master the money mindset?
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Scott Ingram: You’re listening to the Daily Sales Tips podcast and I’m your host, Scott Ingram. It’s Monday, so today Meshell Baker, our favorite sales confidence igniter and authentic selling crusader is here with another tip. Here she is:
Meshell Baker: Hello. Today, I want to talk to you about the money mindset. As a seller, as a sales leader, as a business owner, everything that you do at the end of those are leading you to transactions that are financial in nature. So mastering the money mindset is how you create more transactions and how you’re a more successful seller. So I want to start with a quote from Dave Ramsey, and his quote states, You must gain control over your money or the lack of it will forever control you.
Now, this is absolutely true, and understand that the money mindset is created in your childhood, your upbringing, your youth. You do not have control over why you feel the way you feel about money, and you do have absolute 100 % responsibility, and you’re accountable for changing how you feel so that you can master your money mindset, and you can take the opportunity as a seller, a sales leader, and a business owner to create as much wealth as you want. There is an abundance that’s infinite, unending, and unlimited that is available to every human being, and you only have access to it when you master your money mindset. One, that was number one, understanding the power of your money mindset is that your access begins when you truly understand that it’s infinite, unending, and unlimited. You get to create whatever you want to create with your mindset.
Two, identifying self-limiting beliefs. These are the beliefs that trigger you, that cause you to have fear, doubt, second-guessing, uncomfortable when money is the issue. That is when you start to acknowledge and have self-awareness around those, you will be able to do the work to look and see why you are being caused to behave in the way with these triggers.
What happens is when you don’t deal with the triggers, you live in a number three, which is shifting from scarcity to abundance. When you’re able to deal with your self-limiting beliefs, you’re able to make these shifts. You’re able to end those moments to be able to look at the situation and understand it’s temporary and to even know, be grateful for it because it’s causing you to pause and it’s causing you to acknowledge, here’s an area or an opportunity for me to learn or grow.
Which is number four, embracing financial education. The more you educate yourself and understand how money is, if you want to have wealth, then how are you going to spend this wealth? How are you going to have money management? What is your retirement? What do you want to buy? Is this a good profit? Is this an asset or is this debt? Why is it important to have more assets than debt? This is embracing financial education is part of the money mindset.
Number five, visualizing financial success. This goes back to everything we’ve been talking about so far, the self-loving beliefs, the scarcity, shifting from scarcity to abundance, embracing financial education. When all of that is put into play, then you are able to sit in ease and whatever happens, you have a vision and you have a future, a big dream, a big goal for why you want the money, where are you going to go with the money, and what you’re going to do with it. Without that, you can never shift your money and master your money mindset.
Your mind needs a target that’s greater than your current circumstances if you’re struggling. We got two months left in 2023 to make your goal and your target. So if you’re sitting there worried about how you’re going to do it and frustrated, you won’t get there from worry. You must create a target of why it’s important to do it. A reason that is more compelling than the result of getting it is what the visualization will do for you.
Number six, practice mindful spending. This goes back to Dave Ramsey. Look them up. D-A-V-E-R-A-M-S-E-Y. He’s a master of money, and he really talks about spending less than you make, paying down your debt, having more assets, being valuable. Again, practicing mindful spending generally comes when you have done all the other five tips before that, you’re more likely to engage in that.
Number seven is surrounding yourself with positivity. The company you keep profoundly impacts your mindset. People who are wealthy hang around people who are wealthy. People who are striving to become wealthy generally hang around people who are striving to become wealthy and wealthy people. So if your friends and the people you hang around are complaining about money and they don’t have enough, probably it’s going to be a struggle for you to get there. So again, surround yourself with positivity.
Remember, this is an opportunity. Where you are as a seller, a sales leader, and a business owner, you have no problems. They’re just possibilities and opportunities for you to hit pause and see how you can turn things in your favor. Have a great day selling.
Scott Ingram: For more from Meshell, do yourself a favor and sign up for her newsletter. You’ll find links at DailySales.Tips/1658. Once you’ve done that, be sure to come back for another great sales tip. Thanks for listening!