“I’ve been meeting more and more sales folks to whom mental and physical health, really matter. In fact, these are often emphasized as huge contributing factors to the sustainability of their success.” – Hania Szymczak in today’s Tip 1679
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Scott Ingram: You’re listening to the Daily Sales Tips podcast and I’m your host, Scott Ingram. Today’s tip comes from Hania, who likes to remind us that her name rhymes with Lasagna. Here she is:
Hania Szymczak: Hi Daily Sales Tips Community. This Daily Sales Tips is a health tip for those of you who work remotely or mostly in front of a screen. I’ll be talking about f.lux and the Chrome Extension Dark Reader. So where this is coming from is twofold. For one, I’ve been meeting more and more sales folks to whom mental and physical health really matter. In fact, these are often emphasized as huge contributing factors to the sustainability of their success. The second reason is if you’ve met me, you know that besides being a sales professional, I’m also a movement professional. I’m a dancer and choreographer, and that activity does not happen in front of a screen. When I decided to break into tech, there was this new thing that started happening in my life called looking at screen for 8 to 10 to sometimes 12 hours a day because it mattered to me to find a position and to learn all I could. Here I was in front of my laptop.
Right at the beginning, I had these two very long days in front of my laptop. By the end of the second day, I kid you not, my eyes burned. They stung. It was really weird. I felt this physical pain. As you all know, pain is an awesome force that drives people towards change. And the sensation was concerning enough that I absolutely needed to do something about it. At this point, I suddenly remembered that my old laptop had a blue light filter option, and I basically always had that filter on, just would adjust the intensity throughout the day. I always assumed it was native to that brand of laptop, but sitting there with stinging eyes, I thought to myself, This is probably downloadable. I figured out the name and I downloaded it. That one’s called Flux or f.lux, F.Lux, L-U-X.
Heads up, the website looks very unassuming, but the plugin works great. And the other thing I installed is a Chrome extension called Dark Reader. Dark Reader. It turns all your backgrounds black instead of white. So when you open a Google landing page, the background is black. And between the two of those, my eyes never hurt from my screen anymore. So again, I keep both on all day long unless I specifically need to disable it to view a website or a photo in its original color. This does mean that my screen has a yellow or orange tint to it all day long. But again, I’ve gotten used to it. And when I share my screen on video calls, the person viewing my screen cannot see that tint.
I also keep the blue light filter function turned on in my phone. And the last thing I do for my eyes is that I keep on my screens as dim as possible while still being able to see comfortably, which makes my screens like looking at a Kindle. So if you’re a sales professional who spends a lot of time looking at a screen, maybe sometimes you get headaches or your eyes get tired, try downloading F.Lux and the Chrome extension Dark Reader and let me know how it works for you.
Scott Ingram: For a link to connect with Hania on LinkedIn, just click over to DailySales.Tips/1679. Once you’ve done that, be sure to come back for another great sales tip. Thanks for listening!