“In order to be able to deliver value, you must be valuable, which means that you must demonstrate value.” – Meshell Baker in today’s Tip 1714
Are you able to deliver value?
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Scott Ingram: You’re listening to the Daily Sales Tips podcast and I’m your host, Scott Ingram. Today’s tip comes from Meshell Baker, our favorite authentic selling crusader and sales confidence igniter. Here she is:
Meshell Baker: Hello. Today’s tip, Value First, Money Follows. Let’s start with the definition of value. Value is defined as the regard that something is held to deserve the importance, worth, or usefulness of something, or a person’s principles or standards of behavior, one’s judgment of what is important in life. Now, let’s define valuable. A worth, great deal of money, a thing that is great worth, especially a small item of personal property. These are definitions.
Why is this important? Well, because in order for you to differentiate yourself in the marketplace, your buyers must believe that you’re valuable. And in order to be valuable, you must first demonstrate value. So it starts with value first, money follows. And then when you become valuable, that means you are able to demonstrate the value that you are to your buyers, your colleagues, your coworkers. Wherever you go, people will deem you as someone of worth, someone of high integrity, someone of character and caliber. This is how you will be described because you consistently demonstrate that you are valuable.
So let’s talk about value so that you can see where you are already amazing. What is value? Well, an acronym, V-A-L-U-E.
V – Is that you are visualizing your sales success. This doesn’t mean just for you. It means that you’re visualizing the success of the sale for the buyer. You are imagining before you ever reach out, before you make phone calls, before you send emails, before you do social media posts, before you go to meetings and networking, you are holding in your mind the belief that everything you are about to do is going to be amazing. It is going to be beneficial. It is going to be a win-win all around. Not just you getting the sale, it is that everyone involved gets to win.
A – Is align your beliefs and behaviors. So once you have this vision, then you must align your beliefs and your behaviors. Meaning that when things don’t go your way, when the unplanned and the unexpected happen, you are not complaining and whining and blaming and talking about unfairness. You absolutely hold the belief because you have the vision that is still going It will work out. You may not know how, and that does not mean that it won’t. The only way it won’t is if you decide it won’t. So you’re holding the belief and you behave in the manner of a winner, regardless of what you are faced with.
L – Listen to the buying signals. Remember that listen is an anagram. Switch the letters. When you listen, that means you are silent. That means that you are hearing. That means you are asking follow-up questions. If you are constantly talking the most, you are the one being sold. Rule of thumb, the person speaking the most is the one being sold. So have questions. Do your research so that you can engage in conversations that lead them through a process to experience the opportunity, “The value of what you are offering.”
U – Unlimited resilience. Remember, instead of allowing your feelings to have you face fear of failure, be triggered that if you are uncomfortable, if you are uncertain, if you’re inconvenienced, it just means that you are outside of the comfort zone. Therefore, that’s where the magic happens. Begin to align yourself in a resilient manner that no matter what happens it always works in your favor because you are incredible and your value and value attracts money.
E – Experiment with excellence. See how you can leave them better off for having met with you every single time you connect with someone. Remember, extraordinary and ordinary, the difference is just a little extra, and the road to extraordinary is never crowded. What are the little extra things you can do to leave people better off for having met you?
So again, in order to be able to deliver value, you must be valuable, which means that you must demonstrate value. And anyone that holds the standard of being valuable will become a rare commodity, which will be your shining light differentiator. Have a great day selling.
Scott Ingram: For more from Meshell, just click over to DailySales.Tips/1714. Once you’ve clicked over there, be sure to click right back here for another great sales tip. Thanks for listening!