“When you are willing to invest in yourself, it shows that you believe in yourself. And this internal belief will help you generate the fuel, the force, the willingness to establish the habit of being successful.” – Meshell Baker in today’s Tip 1747
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Scott Ingram: You’re listening to the Daily Sales Tips podcast and I’m your host, Scott Ingram. Today’s tip comes from Meshell Baker, our favorite sales confidence igniter and authentic selling crusader. Here she is:
Meshell Baker: Today, I want to share with you the topic, The Common Denominator of Success. This was originally a speech given by Albert E. N. Gray back in 1940. Now, Albert E. N. Gray discussed this Common Denominator of Success, the secret of success for every person who has ever been successful lies in the fact that successful people form the habit of doing what failures don’t like to do. Now, perhaps you might wonder, why is it that the biggest producers, sales producers, seem to like to do the things that unsuccessful sellers don’t like to do? They actually don’t. It’s an encouraging statement that’s really been offered to a lot of salespeople.
You see, successful people are influenced by the desire for pleasing results and outcome, whereas failures are influenced by the desire for pleasing methods and pathways. I’ll break that down a little bit more. That basically means that successful people are focused on a vision, a clear and compelling vision of what success looks like, feel like, taste like, the experience of it that drives them and keeps them motivated to go no matter what towards that success. Whereas failures get stuck in their mistakes, the setbacks, the naysayers, the critics, when things don’t go well, when it feels unfair. So failures are caught up in the feeling of the process, whereas successful people are focused on the end result of the process.
Now, another interesting fact about human beings, it is actually easier to adjust to the hardships of a poor and mediocre living than it is to adjust to becoming successful and establishing the habits that will get you there. Every person has the ability to succeed, and no one, given the opportunity, would choose to fail. It’s that simple habit that makes the difference. Why are habit so powerful? Because a habit simply means that you no longer think about the activities. You are no longer in the state of telling yourself what you have to, need to, ought to, should be doing. You just do them. That is the crux of this and why it’s so difficult because very few people, as an adult, are able to establish good solid habits. Now, it takes courage to take create habits. It takes clarity for habits. It takes accountability. It takes learning. If you are willing to invest in yourself, you can create successful sales habits and watch your outcomes soar above everyone else. Because remember, it’s only the few who are the top performers, the high performers. If it was easy, everyone would do it.
I’m going to end today with a quote by Jim Rohn that really summarizes why this is important. Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do. Don’t wish it were easier, wish you were better. It’s not the wishing, it’s the reaching out. If you are listening to this and you want to go from the struggle of not feeling like it and looking at the hardship of how difficult it has been for you to sell, and you want to reach that pinnacle and move yourself and establish yourself as a successful seller, you must invest in yourself. No one who succeeds in sales only takes the training given by the company. They read books, they listen to podcasts, they attend conferences, they acquire coaches, they have mentors, they’re in accountability groups and masterminds. When you are willing to invest in yourself, it shows that you believe in yourself. And this internal belief will help you generate the fuel, the force, the willingness to establish the habit of being successful. Have a great day selling.
Scott Ingram: For more from Meshell, just click over to DailySales.Tips/1747. Once you’ve clicked over there, be sure to click back here for another great sales tip. Thanks for listening!