“Remember that having a little bit of control over this part of the process is extremely important” – Dale Dupree in today’s Tip 317
How do you set up your week?
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Scott Ingram: You’re listening to the Daily Sales Tips podcast and I’m your host, Scott Ingram. Today, Dale Dupree, the leader of The Sales Rebellion is back with a perfect tip for a Monday as he talks about a better way to set up your week. Here he is.
Dale Dupree: This is a tip for account executives or individual contributors. It’s kind of a simple tip, but it’s extremely important and especially for anybody just getting started in this role that’s having a hard time setting a cadence for appointments. So a lot of times what I would see in my days of being a manager especially, but a rep as well too, when it came to my colleagues and the way that they were setting up their week, a lot of the time you would find that reps were having a hard time getting any prospecting done outside of their appointments that they were setting. And then when they didn’t have any appointments, they were doing so much prospect and that they couldn’t set an appointment up if they wanted to. So to kind of hack this entire process. Here’s some simple things to think about. Number one, try and set your appointments for specific days. I know a lot of times it’s easy for us as sales reps to say, well, my customer wanted me to meet them on this day at this time, and to just say yes, but remember that having a little bit of control over this part of the process is extremely important. The customer is absolutely important, just the same, but you can’t serve them to your fullest capacity if you’re maxed out or you’re not put together or you are having a hard time staying organized. So try and set specific days, specific time blocks and ask your prospects, “Hey, could we meet on this day at this time?” Throw the ball in their court requesting specifics. You’ll be surprised that most of the time your prospect will accommodate that request. Another thing to do once we’ve set these specific blocks of appointments is to try and create a solid 25 to 35 minutes in between appointments while not trying to distance yourself too much between them as well too. And so use that math. However, it’s relevant to you. If your appointment is 20 minutes away, try to give yourself an hour to an hour and a half in between appointments. The big piece of the puzzle here is that it’s not setting yourself up to do some busy work or to have some downtime, but it’s setting yourself up to be able to do some more door-knocking in between appointments. This is another hack to set your schedule up to where you have a cadence of prospecting inside of your cadence of appointments as well too. There will be other days, of course, where you will just want to have nothing but prospect and happening. Absolutely, but a really good way to get extremely intelligent prospecting done is to pick businesses around where your strategic appointments are set in the first place. Especially if you end up landing those businesses. Then all the neighbors get to go over and see your product and action. If you’ve built a really good relationship with the client and a good reputation around town, these things are super key to creating a successful appointment setting cadence.
Scott Ingram: For more about Dale Dupree and to get connected to him and The Sales Rebellion. Just click over to DailySales.Tips/317 where we’ll have links to everything.
Then be sure to stop by tomorrow for another great tip from Jason Bay. Thanks for listening.