“To be great in this business you have to work at it. There are no shortcuts, and it’s not going to be easy.” – Scott Ingram in today’s Tip 344
How are you maintaining your mindset? Is it through an exercise like me? Do you have another process or approach that works for you?
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Scott Ingram: You’re listening to the Daily Sales Tips podcast and I’m your host, Scott Ingram. This tip is fairly closely related to the tip that I shared yesterday on Minimum Viable Habits and my 10X Ironman. I’d say it’s at least a cousin because a couple of the core elements of that tip were around mindset and exercise. One thing I’ve really noticed for myself is how connected my mindset and overall attitude are with how frequently I’m exercising. The mental part of sales and the life of a sales professional is something I’m really committed to spending more time on this coming year. Some of you may have seen my LinkedIn post from earlier this month where I talked about how I was unfunking myself after a, particularly down day. The reception and the conversation around the topic was fantastic and I’ve got a link to that post for you at DailySales.Tips/344. What I really love is that now this community is holding me accountable. Andy Jaffke left a really insightful comment about a week later and asked: “What can you do to avoid this situation going forward? Please share your answers with all of us here!”
So that’s partially what this tip is about. I used to suffer bouts of depression more frequently in the past than I have in the last few years, and one of the primary ingredients seems to be around how frequently I exercise. In fact, when I had that down day that prompted the LinkedIn post, I hadn’t worked out in 3 or 4 days. The other phenomenon I notice about myself is that if I start feeling down I generally don’t feel like exercising and that’s a very slippery slope. I can skip a day, no problem. Skipping two days might be Ok, but personally I’m probably taking a risk. In a perfect world I’m probably working out 5 to 6 times a week to maintain my mental health, and at the very least it’s an every other day consistent habit.
What about you? Do you have this same exercise to mindset connection that I seem to have?
I’ve learned a ton from all of the interviews and relationships I’ve built with top performers through the Sales Success Stories podcast and the Summits, and when I look at the most common themes I think it’s possible that mindset trumps everything else. If your head isn’t right. It’s practically impossible to achieve at the highest levels, at least in a healthy and sustainable way. I heard a great quote on the radio the other day. It happened to be in the context of bullfighting, but I think it applies incredibly well here. He said that “champions train, they endure pain and they don’t complain.” That really struck me, because to be great in this business you have to work at it. There are no shortcuts, and it’s not going to be easy. You’re going to be challenged at every turn and in so many different ways, but you have to find a way to endure all of that pain and continue to break through again and again and again. And you really can’t do that if you don’t start with the right mindset.
So let me ask you this. How are you maintaining your mindset? Is it through an exercise like me? Do you have another process or approach that works for you? I SO want to hear from you. You’re always welcome to send me an email to scott@top1.fm, but better yet I’d love for you to share your own Daily Sales Tip on this topic of mindset, positive psychology, fighting off depression, any and all of it, because I know you’re going to help somebody else in the process and you’ll probably learn a little bit more about yourself by sharing. I sure have, and again thank you Andy Jaffke for challenging me to share even more.
Thanks for listening, and please come back tomorrow and every day after that, for another great sales tip.