“Think about it, plan for it and set a course of action in case it does happen so that you’re prepared to keep moving.” – Eneida Canev in today’s Tip 398
How fast is your recoil time?
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Scott Ingram: You’re listening to the Daily Sales Tips podcast and I’m your host, Scott Ingram. Today’s tip comes from Eneida Canev. Eneida is an 18-year sales veteran coming from the financial services industry and is a sales and speaking coach at Her Sales Resource. Here she is with today’s tip:
Eneida Canev: One mental toughness secret to your success in sales is how fast is your recoil time. Your ability to bounce back from anything that hits you, whether it’s positive or negative. The faster you can get back into action from whatever type of event derailed you, the faster you’ll be on your way to building upward momentum that you need in order to have record-breaking days, months, weeks, and years. So if you look at your recoil time, how fast is it today you want to definitely keep increasing that speed. In order to do that. There’s three things to consider.
One is your big picture, what’s your end result? What’s your big goal for the year or the quarter of the month? If you look at the big goal at any given moment, whatever circumstance hits you, that day will just be a blip on the journey to that big goal it shouldn’t derail you knowing. It’s just a step on that journey.
The second thing is to expect setbacks. Look negative things will happen in your business. Clients will charge back, cancel, flake on you. All those things are a natural process of the sales cycle, so if you expect things to go incorrectly, you shouldn’t be set back in your time and activity in order to keep the momentum flowing. So one thing to do is prepare for setbacks. Think about what is the worst thing that can happen when your biggest client falling through a huge commission, charging back anything that would negatively derail you. Think about it, plan for it and set a course of action in case it does happen so that you’re prepared to keep moving.
The third thing is to plan your victories. Plan the best case scenarios as well. What’s going to happen when you do close your biggest client? When you do see your biggest win, go through. If you have something major in the works or something that would really get you excited if it went through, plan for it, and then tell yourself what you’ll reward yourself with. So if you do close clients A, B, and C, I will reward myself by doing this on the afternoon of. If you have your victories planned, then they don’t stall you and you don’t celebrate too long when they happen because again, they’re a part of your journey. So if you look at the big picture, expect and plan for setbacks as well as victories, you’re going to be able to stay even-keeled and keep your upward spiraling the momentum, which is ultimate to longterm success in sales.
Scott Ingram: You can learn more about Eneida and Her Sales Resource at DailySales.Tips/398. Click over to her website where you can download a free ebook on effective public speaking.
Then be sure to come back tomorrow for another great sales tip. Thanks for listening!