“Tech can help you sell if you know how to sell first.” – Jeff Bajorek in today’s Tip 474
Does your tech help you sell?
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Scott Ingram: You’re listening to the Daily Sales Tips podcast and I’m your host, Scott Ingram. Today, Jeff Bajorek is back with another tip, and he’s also just released a great new little book called: Rethink The Way You Sell: When It Goes Sideways. I’ll tell you where you can get it after Jeff’s thought for today:
Jeff Bajorek: Your tech will not help you sell. Listen to me very clearly. Your tech will not help you sell. I have a golf buddy who likes to say that there’s never been a bad golf swing that couldn’t be cured by a new driver. Think about that. It always makes you feel good to have some new tool in your hand, some new way to enable you to do that thing that you so desperately want to do but can’t seem to get right. And every day there are salespeople signing up to spend more money on more tools that will help them reach more people. Five, six, $700 a month, a thousand dollars a month sometimes for reps to use all the tools at their disposal to reach the masses. And way too many of those salespeople cannot sell to an engaged customer who was sitting right in front of them. Wouldn’t be able to do it because the focus is on the wrong thing. The focus is on the tech stack, not on your messaging, not on your product-market fit, not on the basics cause all of the basics are boring. Who wants to deal with fundamentals in a time when I can have transcription tools for videos and I can have CRM systems not going to have marketing automation tools and all kinds of apps at my disposal that will help me reach a thousand people in the time it used to take me to reach one. The problem is if you’re trying to sell to a thousand people when you can’t sell to one, you’re reaching people ineffectively. So now you’re more efficiently being ineffective. Think about that. I’m a big fan of tech. I use a lot of tech. My tech stack is several hundred dollars a month, but you know what I get right before I do that stuff? The fundamentals of actually selling. Tech can help you sell if you know how to sell first. Beyond that, tech just helps you scale. So think about that first. Are you trying to scale something that is ineffective, or are you getting the basics and the fundamentals right first?
Scott Ingram: To grab Jeff’s new book: Rethink The Way You Sell – When It Goes Sideways, just go to jeffbajorek.com/sideways, or as always we’ll have that link and several others, including the video version of Jeff’s tip and a transcript at DailySales.Tips/474
Once you’ve started to dig into some of those basic fundamentals that Jeff is always talking about in his book. Be sure to come back tomorrow for another great sales tip. Thanks for listening!