“Clear your mind, draw or sketch, start messy, and then give yourself some time before you go back and revise or refine your idea.” – Tyler Menke in today’s Tip 501
How to be more creative?
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384: Shy Sales Guy – Tyler Menke
The Pirate’s Guide to Sales: A Seller’s Guide for Getting from Why to Buy Paperback
The Pirate’s Guide to Sales: A Seller’s Guide for Getting From Why to Buy Kindle Edition
The Pirate’s Guide to Sales
Tyler Menke on LinkedIn
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Scott Ingram: You’re listening to the Daily Sales Tips podcast and I’m your host, Scott Ingram. Today Tyler Menke is back. You may remember Tyler as the creator and performer of the “Shy Sales Guy” song back in episode 384. He’s also the author of “The Pirate’s Guide to Sales – A Seller’s Guide to Getting from Why to Buy,” and that’s in addition to his day job in medical device sales. Here he is with some thoughts on getting creative:
Tyler Menke: Are you somebody who’s found yourself struggling of late to come up with new creative, innovative ideas, or maybe you’re somebody who doesn’t associate with being creative at all, but you would love to be more creative. Today I thought I would share four simple steps that have always helped me become more creative or to the halt creative roadblock, so to speak.
Now, somebody who’s been what I might call a hobbyist musician for a good amount of time. And as somebody who’s drawn and journal and always enjoyed the writing and creative process, I will tell you, creativity seems to come in waves. And that brings me to my first step.
When you’re struggling with this, clear your mind. Anyone who’s ever had a good idea when you’re laying in bed or you’ve been out on a long walk or in the shower can relate to this. Good ideas seem to happen when we clear our mind or when we least expect it. So try to replicate that, do a few minutes of mindfulness or meditation. And if that’s not your cup of Joe, go for a walk or take a shower, just do something to clear your mind.
Step two is to draw or sketch. Now you don’t have to be Picasso here. The goal is just to try to get the left and right brain synopsis going and to start getting those ideas flowing. And what you’ll find is no matter what you’re sketching or drawing out on a piece of paper, the creative juices start flowing and the ideas start coming with it, which brings me into step three.
Start messy. Don’t worry so much about structure or flow or order. Just put all the ideas on paper and then wait for step four.
Refined with time. What you’re going to find is once you start getting somewhere with your idea, it’s going to need some revisions, some clarity, it’s going to need something to make it land or make it fit. And so good ideas tend to need a little bit of time for that revision. So allow yourself some time for that to be refined.
So those are the four steps. Clear your mind, draw or sketch, start messy, and then give yourself some time before you go back and revise or refine your idea. So hopefully that helps. And I certainly hope that everybody is staying safe and sane, and I hope everybody has a great day. Thanks
Scott Ingram: For more about Tyler and for a link to his book, just click over to DailySales.Tips/501
Then be sure to come back tomorrow for another great sales tip. Thanks for listening!