“When you feel stuff’s not right, just take a step back reevaluate and then lean in again.” – David Henzel in today’s Tip 512
How do you make decisions in your life?
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Scott Ingram: You’re listening to the Daily Sales Tips podcast and I’m your host, Scott Ingram. Today’s tip comes from David Henzel. David is a serial entrepreneur currently leading more than half a dozen different projects, so you’re going to want to check out his LinkedIn profile, but first, here’s his tip:
David Henzel: One thing that helps me a lot is being in the right mindset. Let me tell you a story.
One day in yoga, my yoga teacher said something so profound that almost fell out of a downward-facing dog. She claimed that every decision in life, you either make out of love or out of fear. And I always knew this deep down inside of me, but I was not able to articulate that well.
So how do we make decisions in life? We either make them out of love or other fear.
If you make them out of love, you’re 100% on the right path. If you make them out of fear, you’re on the wrong path.
Let me give you a few examples that really illustrate how powerful this can be.
The first example I want to give you is out of the sales world.
If you sell a product of love, you enrich somebody’s life. You sell this product because you know that this product will solve people’s problems. You know that this is a good product and this product will help people. So other people will feel this. They feel that you have good intentions and this love will radiate out and they’re much more likely to buy.
On the other hand, if you sell somebody a product purely because you have to pay your mortgage and you think about the money that you make often, people will also feel this. So sending out of love, feel is always much easier than selling out of fear.
If you sell out of love, you enrich people’s lives. If you sell a fear, you take away from people.
So a few years ago, I asked my assistant to send out a company-wide newsletter every Monday at 4:00 PM, to keep everybody informed on what’s going on in the business. And every time I received a draft of this newsletter, I had to correct a million things. So I said to her, you’re doing this out of fear and not out of love. And she looked at me like, “What do you want from me?”
So I explained, if you would write this newsletter out of love, you would make sure that you really understand everything that’s going on. Even though you’re not super technical and we are a very technical business, and everybody who receives this newsletter gets the most joy out of it and the most information out of it. So ideally the person that receives this is looking forward to it, but you’re doing this other fear. You’re only doing it because I told you so you’re doing it because David said at 4:00 PM, this thing has to go out and that’s the sole reason why you’re doing it. So you’re operating out of fear. And after we had this conversation, I never had to correct a single newsletter again.
This concept also helped me tremendously when people knocked on my door, which happened a lot at MaxCDN. I always give them the answer to their questions out of fear, because I didn’t want to lose the trade of thought, I just had and I want to get back into what I was doing. And this has never really worked that well.
Once I flipped my thinking, I gave much better advice and life just became a lot easier. It also helps me with the little things it’s kind of stupid, but it really works for me.
So when I have to log into my email server, for example, and I get the two-step authentication where I get like a six-digit password by a text message, I always think I’m going to forget it. And so my brain is filled with fear and then I really forget this number. And when I flip my thinking, it works and I can retain the number. If I’m filled with fear, I suck. If I fill it with love, everything’s just flowing.
Similar to talking here on camera. When I get to feel it with fear. And I think like, how am I perceived as a sock hardware sets, et cetera, then I get stuck. But if I think about the message that I’m giving you and that I want to help you, and that this will make your life better, I can just flow in and I can talk.
The same thing with public speaking. I hate public speaking with a passion, but also I’ve stuffed it I want to share with the world. And when I stand on stage and I think about how am I perceived. Now do people think I have a weird German accent to a standard, do they think that called us this idiot look or whatever I can’t deliver a speech but if my mind is full of love, and I think about the message that I have and that this will improve people’s lives. I can give a good presentation. So it’s, it’s really crazy how this works. So do yourself a favor, make decisions out of love, not out of fear.
Now, this is a big one. And I think a lot of you notice, you know, the honeydew lists like stuff that your wife wants you to do. I always did these things. In my case, it’s home improvements. My wife always wants to do stuff around the house. “Hey, could you put this together?” “Could you hang up this frame.” Or whatever. And I hate this type of work. It’s really the last thing I want to do. I prefer to do my texts over this. I don’t know what it is, but I really, really hate it.
So every time my wife asks me to do something, I do it out of fear because I want to avoid conflict with her. And then when I do it, I hate the process. And the result is most likely, very shitty because I’m not doing it with love, right? And then I have a fight with my wife afterward. So nobody’s winning.
So being aware of the concept of love and fear, I still start other fear cause I still can’t stand the work. But then I switched to love because I want to make my wife happy and I want to make my place nicer. And all of a sudden it flows. I enjoy the work, the results much better. And I’m fine with my wife.
I don’t want to get all cheesy and bringing Star Wars analogies, but still remember when you’re the set salute do or do not, there is no try. There is so much truth to this. And I always sent this video snippet to people in the business. When one of my guys says, they’re going to try when they give them a task, because trying is the most inefficient way not to do something. How do you do something? Or you don’t. Don’t waste your time in the middle. And if you do stuff, you do with love. You go all in, you lean in and you get it done.
If you try you tiptoe around it, you fear that you’re going to fail. And if you think that you are most likely going to fail, whether you think you can do it or whether or not both times, you’re right.
So how can you figure this out? How can you apply this in your own life? The thing that works best is your emotions. They’re a really good barometer to tell you if you’re in the red zone or if in the green zone. If you feel good about something you’re on the right path, you’re filled with love. If you feel bad about something something’s not right and you need to adjust. So use this inner compass, it works really, really well. When you feel stuff’s not right, just take a step back reevaluate and then lean in again.
Scott Ingram: For more about David, just click over to DailySales.Tips/512 there we’ll also have a link to his passion project called Managing Happiness which is a course that helps people figure out their A-Game habits, their personal mission, vision, core values, and goals. It’s worth checking out.
Once you’ve done that, be sure to come back tomorrow for another great sales tip.