“Adopt the right mindset and start your acceleration and drive towards a finish that you can be proud of.” – Scott Ingram in today’s Tip 597
Happy Labor Day!
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Scott Ingram: You’re listening to the Daily Sales Tips podcast and I’m your host, Scott Ingram. Today is Labor Day in the United States. A federal holiday that honors the American labor movement. It also marks the beginning of the final push to the end of the year. Once you factor in the holidays we’ve really just got 3 months until we’re celebrating the end of 2020 and the start of 2021. Personally I’m an endurance guy. I can sprint when I need to, but I’m all about a race that is about consistent effort over time. I’ll be thinking of tomorrow as another starting line, another important mile marker in this effort. It’s also a great time to do a little bit of planning and preparation. How much more pipeline will you need to finish the year strong? What needs to happen with the deals you’re currently working to keep them on track? Where will you sprint, where will you rest, and will you be able to accelerate and kick it into the end and finish strong? But don’t forget to sharpen your axe along the way. I hope you’ll take some time on October 12th and 13th to join us at the Sales Success Summit to get some new ideas, some new perspective and to be inspired by your fellow sales professionals who are all at the top of their games right now. The best part is the live stream is free. So if you haven’t signed up yet, be sure to click over to Top1Summit.com to register. Then get ready to run with me. No matter where you are in the race, this is your chance to take control of your attitude, adopt the right mindset and start your acceleration and drive towards a finish that you can be proud of. A finish that will lay a foundation for an even better 2021. Happy Labor Day. Let’s go!