“Be something so magnificent and so explicitly different that they have no other choice but to meet with you.” – Dale Dupree in today’s Tip 68
How do you get attention?
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The Copier Warrior – Selling Local Podcast
Dale in Daily Sales Tip 61 (1 of 5)
Scott Ingram: You’re listening to the Daily Sales Tips podcast, and I’m your host, Scott Ingram. Today, Dale Dupree is back. Known to many as the Copier Warrior, Dale’s been in B2B sales for over 10 years as a top producer and served as a sales manager and VP of Sales as well. He shook up his local market with his audacious sales methods and built a fun and entertaining personal brand around a boring product in the process. He is now the leader of The Sales Rebellion and a full-time training and development coach for all sales walks:
Dale Dupree: This is tip two of my five tips series here on the show. We’re talking about my reason theory, but just a radically educate and share one’s narrative. Today we’re going to be talking about the A inside of reason, which stands for Attention. The first thing that we have to think about when we get to the attention phase is that we do not want to be just another name inside of the crowded sales bull pen that’s calling on the prospect. Instead, we need to give them a compelling reason or else we will be just that. So attention, this is the full 30 seconds of your 30-second commercial and this is how you will change the game. Think of it being unexpected, yet simple, express to the prospect, exactly how you know they feel about sales calls. So maybe it sounds a little something like this, “Mr. Prospect, you’re probably expecting me to say some things about how great my company is and how fast our service response to your problems and all the other garbage that most salespeople dump in your ear every time that gets you on the phone. But that’s not what today’s call is about. Think about the reaction that your prospect would have if you can help them to understand that you know exactly how they feel inside of the attention phase we also have the opportunity to make light of the R E phase that we already spoke about in the last tip, which is to Radically Educate. So if you have performed some type of the first touch, whether through video printed material or some type of marketing piece to interrupt their patterns and cause curiosity, you have a subject as to why does is your calling. “I hope that you receive my crumpled letter, Mr. Prospect, what did you think of it?” The goal here is to overcome the stereotypes that your prospect has on the typical salesperson, so transcend the normal interactions that your peers and colleagues are having with their prospects and customers. Be something so magnificent and so explicitly different that they have no other choice but to meet with you.
Scott Ingram: How do you get attention? Join the conversation at DailySales.Tips/68 In addition to links to all things Dale we’ll also link together this series of tips as we continue to release them over the next few weeks, and if you haven’t already. Be sure to join the podcast listener list. When you do, I’ll send you the video of your choice from the last Sales Success Summit and you’ll also get updates about once a week so you won’t miss the rest of this series of tips from Dale, or any of the other great tips you’ll find here everyday.
Then come back tomorrow for… you guessed it, another sales tip. Thanks for listening!