“My tip for you on identifying pain is to understand the mind of your buyer.” – David Weiss in today’s Tip 653
How do you identify pain?
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641: MEDDPICC® Series (Metrics)
643: MEDDPICC® Series (Economic Buyer)
646: MEDDPICC® Series (Decision Process)
648: MEDDPICC® Series (Decision Criteria)
650: MEDDPICC® Series (Paper Process)
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Scott Ingram: You’re listening to the Daily Sales Tips podcast and I’m your host, Scott Ingram. Today Outreach’s David Weiss is back to continue his 9 part series on MEDDPICC®. Here he is:
David Weiss: Good morning everyone out there in the Sales Success Community. This is David Weiss coming at you with another tip of the day. This one is around and as part of my MEDDPICC® Series around Identify Pain. So to me, this is one of the very first steps. A lot of people ask me, “David, when should I use MEDDPICC®?” And I should’ve addressed this earlier, but MEDDPICC® is not a process. A process is linear. MEDDPICC® is a checklist. So in your checklist, identify pain should be one of the first things you check off.
And my tip for you on identifying pain is to understand the mind of your buyer. Have your pain, discovery, identification, questions, template it, listed out. You use them every single time. These are the questions you asked to figure these things out. And they are built by persona because a CEO cares about something different than a VP of HR. VP of sales cares about something different than a customer service person. A CFO cares about something different than a COO.
So understand those things, understand the differences. Your solution, even though it’s being sold to somebody impacts and people care about how it impacts differently. So if you try and position a VP of HR talk track to a CFO, they’re going to be like, I don’t care about the touchy-feely. He’s not that saying that’s HR, love HR people, but they’re going to get care about how what’s the financial impact, VP, HR financial impact. It may resonate, but it won’t resonate as strong as it does with a CFO and with a customer service person, a sales based, you know, process may not resonate as well with a customer service based process.
So you really need to understand what are the levers? How do you impact them? Who cares about them? What is the pain that you’re solving and who you’re solving it for and how are you solving for them and speak their language. So hopefully that’s helpful. If you haven’t mapped out this per buyer persona, that is my tip for you for identify pain. Thanks for listening!
Scott Ingram: For more about David Weiss. Just click over to DailySales.Tips/653 and we’ll have some links for you there.
Then be sure you’re subscribed to the podcast so you don’t miss the rest of the series and come on back tomorrow for another great sales tip. Thanks for listening!
MEDDPICC® is a federally registered trademark of Darius Lahoutifard, exclusively
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