“Deciding then what you’re going to do and how you’re going to react is a really bad idea. It’s better to plan those reactions now, when you’re in a good place.” – Scott Ingram in today’s Tip 1086
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Scott Ingram: You’re listening to the Daily Sales Tips podcast and I’m your host, Scott Ingram. Today, since we’re in this peak goal setting, resolution, and execution period and there tends to be the highest levels of optimism about our ability to get stuff done. I want to encourage you to plan for the dips. The times when you don’t feel motivated, the times when you’ve had a big unexpected setback, heck the times when you don’t feel well. Deciding then what you’re going to do and how you’re going to react is a really bad idea. It’s better to plan those reactions now, when you’re in a good place.
So think about the triggers. You miss doing a new habit a couple of times in a row, you have a lapse and do something you resolved not to do. Heck, maybe one of the things that triggers your action plan is just a dip in motivation and energy. You could track how you feel on a scale of 1-10 at the start of each day. And if you rate yourself a 6 or below one day, what are going to do about it? Decide now.
So once you’ve defined those triggers and the things that may have thrown you off of your game in the past. Choose what actions you’ll take. Maybe there’s somebody you can call who can help you get back on track, heck maybe you build a list of those types of people you can call. You could plan to go for a walk for 15 minutes and prebuild a playlist of your favorite high-energy songs.
I know some people who change their shirts or take a shower because that’s a way of indicating to themselves that it’s a new day and they just need a bit of a reset. Try to find those things, experiment with those things, that will help you get back on your path. Because not once, ever, have I seen somebody execute against their goals and intended behaviors perfectly. Doesn’t happen, but they get back on track almost immediately. So what will you do? Decide now.
Once you’ve done that. Be sure to come back tomorrow for another great sales tip. Thanks for listening!