“Once you see the function of failure and you harness its powers, you can then give that gift to anyone else who comes past you and you can enlighten them, empower them, and encourage them in the midst of their challenges and difficulties.” – Meshell Baker in today’s Tip 1220
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Scott Ingram: You’re listening to the Daily Sales Tips podcast and I’m your host, Scott Ingram. It’s Monday, so here’s Meshell Baker to help us kick things off:
Meshell Baker: Hello and welcome to today’s tip, The Function of Failure. Failure is an incredible gift and tool in the process and on the path of achieving and acquiring great sales success. No one reaches the highest level of anything. Sales success, especially without making a lot of missteps and mistakes, without having the criticism from outward and inward. And when you learn and understand that failure is simply a stepping stall.
One of the adages that I’ve learned is that failure is only final if you quit. So there absolutely is no failure as long as you keep moving in the forward direction towards your goals. Failure is also there to help you recognize and realize what it is you truly want. When you take a step back and instead of having a potty and wallowing in what didn’t happen, you actually look at what was the goal? What was the endeavor? What was the dream that you were setting out to achieve? And then you just readjust realign and say, “Okay, that didn’t work. Now, what next?” That’s why it’s a stepping stone meant to springboard you towards your success.
So understand this. First and foremost, it is an experience. It is a lesson that once you learn from that lesson and that experience, it will change the trajectory of your success. It will become very valuable and you understanding what you are meant to do and how you’re meant to endeavor.
Two, it’s knowledge. Again, you assess, you look at, you write out. You write out the pros and cons. Thomas Edison was known for having nearly failed 10,000 times before he created the light bulb. J. K. Rowling is famous for the fact that her book was denied over 30 times before it was accepted and became a billionaire behind it. So again, it’s knowledge that helps you to assess and to move faster, stronger and better.
Three, talking about the stronger and better, resilience. That is the truest, most, greatest gift I can think of a failure. Because when you clearly assess and decide, this is what you want more than anything, and then you take the time to not go back and do the same thing over and over again, to instead look at what you can do different and better, that’s how you become resilient. That’s how you fortify and you create inside of you a clear understanding that no matter what you are going to achieve and succeed in whatever that endeavor is and it just makes you stronger and it lessens and you get there faster, once you have resilience and resilience will help you to stop listening to the naysayers and critics and stop comparing your journey of success to someone else’s. It helps you to stay on your path and on your course.
Number four, growth. You cannot grow as long as you learn, right? You will not have failed as long as you’ve learned how to do something better and different. You are therefore growing. You’re getting better. You have a clearer understanding. You make better choices. You have greater opportunities. So it is something that will help you grow. It will give you a deeper and clear understanding about your what, your why, your hows, all those beautiful things, and decisions that you’re making. So you will grow. Your mindset will grow and you’ll make better, faster decisions.
Think about it. When you first time you fail at something, you feel really overwhelmed and shameful and embarrassed sometimes and you sit there and you wallow and you find someone, you talk about the pain and you go and rehash the pain and you complain and whine and you become victimized. When you decide that that’s true no matter what the more times you go at it, the less you spend time thinking about what didn’t go right and the more clear you understand how to make a better choice and you grow and you get up and you go faster and stronger. Every time you come back, you are faster and you’re stronger, therefore you grow.
And then five. It’s just so valuable for you to experience the fundamental understanding that everyone fails. No one gets it right the first time. Most people don’t have the life they want because they’re so busy complaining about what they didn’t get and what they don’t have. Everybody has a setback. Everybody has disabilities. Everybody comes from backgrounds that they didn’t get or what they don’t have. Everybody has an excuse to say “Why they don’t have.” Very few people take that opportunity, instead, talk about what you do have and make that expand. What you do have is your ability to actually in the face of any circumstance, to believe in yourself, believe in your vision, to move forward, and to use the creative mind that you’re given. Failure helps you harness your creativity when you focus on what it is you truly want and you don’t let anything stop you.
So again, the function of failure is to help you be a more incredible seller, a more incredible invaluable person, to yourself, to the company you work with, to your family, to whomever outside of you. Because once you see the function of failure and you harness its powers, you can then give that gift to anyone else who comes past you and you can enlighten them, empower them, and encourage them in the midst of their challenges and difficulties. This has been function of failure. Have a great day selling.
Scott Ingram: For your links to connect with Meshell and check out the transcript of this tip, click over to DailySales.tips/1220. Once you’ve done that, be sure to come back tomorrow for another great sales tip. Thanks for listening!