“The purpose of being a successful seller is that you can have a life you enjoy. But if you aren’t enjoying the process of selling and the journey of selling, there’s no way your life is going to bring you satisfaction.” – Meshell Baker in today’s Tip 1555
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1526: The ABC’s of Sales – NURTURE
1530: The ABC’s of Sales – OPPORTUNITY
1537: The ABC’s of Sales – PREPARATION
1543: The ABCs of Sales – QUESTIONS
1550: The ABC’s of Sales – REFERRALS
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Scott Ingram: You’re listening to the Daily Sales Tips podcast and I’m your host, Scott Ingram. Today Meshell Baker, the Sales Confidence Igniter, is back with the next installment of her multi-part series. Here she is:
Meshell Baker: Hello and welcome to the ABCs of Sales. Today’s letter is S and S is for Success. Now, success is defined as the accomplishment or aim or purpose. It is the good or bad outcome of an undertaking. It is the satisfactory completion of something. But I want you to understand that success without satisfaction is an ultimate fail. Why? Satisfaction is now defined as the fulfillment of your wishes, expectations, or needs, or the pleasant pleasure that you derive from this attainment. It’s a pleasant feeling that you get when you receive something that you wanted.
Now, as sellers and sales leaders, we are achievers. What happens to achievers is every time an achiever acquires something, they systematically move the goalpost further. They rarely stop to celebrate the wins and accomplishments and achievements and acknowledge all that they’ve done. And the bottom line is, if you’re not happy with who you are and where you’re going, you cannot and will not be satisfied with what you’ve accomplished. And isn’t that a failure? If you’re not enjoying the journey, there’s no way you’re going to love the destination. So satisfaction is being grateful and joyful and pleasant throughout the process on the journey.
Basically, success is the destination and satisfaction is the journey. So why is this important? Because as sellers, you have a role in an organization and for clients and yourself and your family, you have many, many hats and without the satisfaction of what you’re doing, there really is no success because there’s no one around you that’s going to enjoy being around you. And the purpose of being a successful seller is that you can have a life you enjoy. But if you aren’t enjoying the process of selling and the journey of selling, there’s no way your life is going to bring you satisfaction.
So here’s a few small tips to help you shift your satisfaction.
One, focus on the positive. Remember, if you’ve ever listened to me, I will tell you, you cannot get an apple tree from an orange seed. Having said that, you cannot create positive outcomes, favorable and more profit if you are coming from a negative position. People generally don’t like to be around negative people and don’t like to do repeat business, refer and recommend negative people. Your positivity is profitable.
Find your stress relief. What are the things you do when things aren’t going your way, when you’re met with the unplanned, the unexpected? How do you successfully keep going and selling and having conversations that generate income in the midst of stress?
Three, don’t be afraid to take time for yourself. Top performers put their vacation, their time off, their self-care on their calendar, and it’s non-negotiable. Establish that standard of taking care of yourself first and foremost so that you have the skills and you are prepared mentally, emotionally, and physically to be successful and satisfied.
Take responsibility for your actions. This is a hard one. Many people like to blame that it’s something, I didn’t get the leads, I didn’t get this, they didn’t do what they said. When you are responsible for your actions, you can make the change necessary to have success and satisfaction.
Be more understanding of other people. Number five, be more understanding of other people because everybody makes mistakes. Nobody gets it right 100 % of the of the time. We are all practicing every day. And when you have grace and understanding, you will receive more and you’ll gain more alliances and advocacy in the path of selling.
Reevaluate your relationship. If the people aren’t lighting you up, then they got to go, especially in the workplace. You are there to sell and sell well, and that requires surrounding yourself with other people who want to do the same.
And seven is live your best life. Enjoy the journey. Find ways to have fun. Find ways to laugh at yourself, to learn from your mistakes. Surround yourself with great people. Get a focus, create a vision, put a vacation, put something that you always wanted as your target, and you’ll be amazed at who you become in the process of succeeding and the amount of satisfaction you have, and the impact it has on your life and the life of the people that you are working for. Have a great day selling.
Scott Ingram: For links to connect with Meshell so you get some success AND satisfaction, just click over to DailySales.Tips/1555. Once you’ve done that, be sure to come right back for another great sales tip. Thanks for listening!