“Conversations are key. Have more of them!” – Scott Ingram in today’s Tip 302
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Scott Ingram: You’re listening to the Daily Sales Tips podcast and I’m your host, Scott Ingram. This week I’ve been on both sides of an activity that I think is super important, and that is asking for advice. Perhaps not everybody is wired this way, but my thinking and my ideas seems to get much better when I ask for advice. This is basically how I process. Talking a particular idea or challenge through with somebody helps me gain more clarity simply by trying to explain it to them. I’ll then let them know that I’m open to their feedback or suggestions. I might even ask a specific question. The resulting conversation almost always leads to an even better idea. The beauty is, you can do this with several people around the same topic. Each might ask you a different set of questions or have another thought or suggestion that you can then layer on top of the original idea and continue to iterate. You can do this with anyone really. I will frequently do this with my manager and my leadership. I’ll do this with my customers or with an internal champion. I’ll do it with my peers, and I’ve certainly done it with many in this community. They’ve also done it with me. As much as I can I try to return the favor and pay it forward by helping people work through their own questions, challenges, and opportunities. Nick sent me a note on LinkedIn with a giant potentially life-altering question. Those are the ones that it’s particularly important to seek out a lot of advice. Ideally, you can find some mentors who have been down a similar path before and can provide some perspective and maybe even Sherpa like guidance. I think this is a critically important process and one you almost can’t do too much. Conversations are key. Have more of them!
Then come back tomorrow for another great sales tip! I’m particularly excited about the set of tips coming up this week. Make sure you’re subscribed so you don’t miss them. Thanks for listening!