“When you truly set out to be valuable to the sales process and develop your character and enjoy the process, this will be the most satisfying and rewarding career that you have.” – Meshell Baker in today’s Tip 1408
Do you remember your why?
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1401. Remembering Your Why Will Help You Fly (Part 1 of 2)
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Scott Ingram: You’re listening to the Daily Sales Tips podcast and I’m your host, Scott Ingram. Today’s tip comes from Meshell Baker as she shares the second part of her two-part series that she started last week in tip #1401. Here she is:
Meshell Baker: Hello and welcome to part two of two, Remembering your why will help you fly. Last week I did the top 4 of 10 and here are the final six.
Number five. Sales is about unlimited opportunities. When you understand that there are no limits to selling, there is no cap. Yes, there are some companies that have cap on commissions and that could be a starting point that levers you to the next opportunity. And when you allow your mind to be unlimited and understand that everything is happening for you, not to you, you will see the opportunities in every situation, circumstance or person that you speak with.
Number six. Sales is about being optimistic. This wraps around the last one, that when you are optimistic. When you see the glasses half full, you will see the opportunities. Remember what you speak about, you bring about. And when you see the problems and the challenges and the overwhelm and the frustration, that’s what you continue to create. Instead, when they tell you, Oh, this is going to be difficult, you look at it as an opportunity to refine your character. Oh, they let you go. Well, this is my opportunity to find a better position. Oh, they’re cutting your commissions. Well, this is an opportunity to make and budget, or make the budget I always wanted. Everything is about seeing the opportunity and that’s what optimism is.
Number seven. Ssales creates relationships. When you focus on establishing relationships over the transactions, you will end up having a better and a more fulfilling, and a more profitable sales careers. Because top performers in any industry don’t sell on their own. They actually have referrals, recommendations, repeat business, which creates raving fans and a resounding reputation in the marketplace. So when you establish relationships, maintain relationships, the simplest things, a card, an email, a text, find some way to stay consistently top of mind, you will constantly have a full pipeline of sales opportunities.
Number eight. Sales is about overcoming obstacles. This goes back to what we said. There is nothing that is meant to stop you. Everything is meant to help you expand your capability. You are a seller. That means you are delivering solutions to people’s problems. And guess what? The better you come at overcoming obstacles, the better your mind will become creative about being a solution to your prospects, to your clients, to your colleagues, to your supervisors, to the companies that you work for. Face all obstacles with the mindset that this is my opportunity to be brilliant.
Number nine. Sales offers unlimited rewards. Again, sometimes you’re at companies that don’t necessarily have the best compensation plans. And that’s not forever. Do the best with what you have, wherever you are. And you create a gateway to the unlimited opportunities that exist. Complain about where you are and you remain where you are.
Number ten. Sales provides personal satisfaction. When you truly set out to be valuable to the sales process and develop your character and enjoy the process, this will be the most satisfying and rewarding career that you have. There is no other position in the world that allows you to be as successful as you possibly want to be, when you invest in yourself and remember why you started in the value that you get to create and who you get to become. Have a greater selling.
Scott Ingram: For a link to connect with Meshell and to get back to the first tip in this series, just click over to DailySales.Tips/1408. Once you’ve done that, be sure to come back tomorrow for another great sales tip. Thanks for listening!