“The application of knowledge is the power.” – Meshell Baker in today’s Tip 1505
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Scott Ingram: You’re listening to the Daily Sales Tips podcast and I’m your host, Scott Ingram. Today Meshell Baker, the Sales Confidence Igniter, is back with the next installment of her multi-part series. Here she is:
Meshell Baker: Hello and welcome to the ABCs of Sales. Today’s letter is K, and K is for Knowledgeable. There’s a quote by Steve Martin that I heard Oprah say, and it’s around the subject of being so well informed, so learned, so cultivated, and so good that people can’t ignore you and that they are drawn to you for your own enlightenment. And I want to distinguish that having knowledge and being knowledgeable are two very different things.
When you have knowledge, it’s because you’ve gone to school, you’ve learned something, you’ve been taught something, you know a sales process, you know a sales formula, you know a sales script, for example. Now, knowledgeable is the ability to apply what you have learned and to do it in a way that it actually gives you power. It gives you the ability to be present in front of that client to whom you are about to speak to.
This is the challenge. A lot of people know things which makes them knowledgeable. Not everyone knows how to interact with that knowledge so that they can apply it in a very personal, effortless manner. And that’s what makes somebody knowledgeable. It makes somebody so well-informed, learn, cultivated that you can’t ignore them. And that’s what makes a top performer. You can’t ignore top performer in the way they speak about what they know.
So be certain that you are doing things that you are taking your knowledge and you’re applying it. One of the top talents of top performers is that they practice. Repetition is the mother of all success. If you have someone within your organization, role-play, practice, practice, practice, and then practice some more. When you think about athletes like Michael Jordan, the case in point was that he knew that he was incredibly talented. He knew he was a great performer. He knew he was a high scorer. Yet after all of his games, he kept looking at his game tapes. He did not look for what was wrong with him. What he actually looked at was how he could improve. And what he noticed was that he was not a team player. He was not passing the ball. He wanted the ball all to himself. It was all about him. And this is true in sales as well. You cannot achieve incredible sales success on your own. You will need the partnership of your colleagues, of your superiors, your managers, the people in your organization who know other things about customer support and marketing. Ensure that you have surround yourself with other people who are just as knowledgeable in their subject matter that supports you in your sales success and your interaction with those clients.
And here’s just a couple of other areas that being knowledgeable will be power for you, helps you to make well-formed decisions. The more knowledge that you have when you are in those moments and you are searching yourself for things that you think you don’t know or things that you may know. Having had all that knowledge will help you make a better decision instead of guessing, saying things like, I think, I might, or maybe. You actually can speak from a confident place of being knowledgeable. It helps you with critical thinking. So in the moments where things are going wrong or derailing, you’re able to make a better decision. And it helps you with curiosity. People who are knowledgeable actually feel better about asking good questions in the moment. Instead of fearing that someone will know that they don’t know, a knowledgeable person knows that they do know, and they understand that the area of what they don’t know is an area that they want to know. They’re not scared to be uninformed. Their desire is to be more informed. Remember, knowledgeable, the application of knowledge is the power. Have a great day selling.
Scott Ingram: To connect to some more Meshell Baker knowledge, just click click over to DailySales.Tips/1505. Once you’ve done that, be sure to come back tomorrow for another great sales tip. Thanks for listening!