Clip from Episode 39: Microsoft’s #1 Inside Sales Corporate Account Manager – Phil Terrill:
What I would do. I would recommend it to anyone who is after you get off a call when the information is the freshest in your mind to go document it. Because what a lot of us do is we think we’re super human. And I remember five conversations especially when they are like 30 minutes to 45 minutes to an hour plus conversations and you kind of took notes because you know you’re having a dialogue. It’s harder to go back or recall conversations that at the end of the day when you’re ready to go home or you’re you know you had to go pick up your kids or you have to go do something else. And recall these you know notes and nuggets of information that the customer probably gave you they probably gave you some gems that could help you go present or build the you know solution for them. But you missed it because you’d rather go at the end of the day and write down all these things. And so just doing it right then and getting it over with you know then you have then you can subconsciously reflect on the call you’ve had that you know throughout the day and then you can go back. Right. You know we’re getting some of that the meat of that conversation done at the end of every call is important.