Clip from Episode 39: Microsoft’s #1 Inside Sales Corporate Account Manager – Phil Terrill:
A lot of times I would sometimes tell them don’t buy it like I’ve done the research and you know Microsoft people listening are going to go “What?” why would you do that. You know by the end of the day like a great seller doesn’t always sell right. We don’t go in saying hey buy this you need is just the newest and latest and greatest. Sometimes you have to tell the customer no. Let them ponder on why you’re telling them No because it’s unexpected for one like for seller to tell you no. And then to gave you a recommendation as to why you’re telling them no versus you know and then here’s what we should do based on X investment which are very different than buy this, buy now, it’s the newest feature really needed. And you’re going to love it. You’ve never tested it. I promise you you got to love it. You know being overly sales versus being really truly trust oriented which is sometimes you tell the customer no and my business background and in the sense of looking at financials will help me do that.