Clip from Episode 19 featuring Top Pharmaceutical Sales Rep – Christina Izokovic of Avion Pharmaceuticals:
So I think that that’s basically who I am in a nutshell as a person. In the sales arena I talk to myself all the time in the car. People make fun of me. I think about the way my calls went and how I could have made that call better. I can always tell if I made a slam dunk with a call. If I had that “aha” moment. And then I can always tell if it was ‘eh, it was OK.’ So then I ask myself what did I do? How can I make myself better than the last time that I was there? How can I make myself better than yesterday? I have big shoes to fill being the #1 sales rep last year for Avion Pharmaceuticals. So now I look at it. How can I be better than I was last year? What could I do differently that I did not do last year? What could I do similar that I did do last year? And kind of go from there.