Believe it or not, The Sales Success Community has its very own currency called $SALES coin.

$SALES coin is our community coin. It’s a cryptocurrency built on The Rally Network (an open, decentralized network that is powered by its native ERC-20 governance token, $RLY).

Is that too much information?Don’t worry if you are new to crypto. For most $SALES coin holders, this is their first exposure to any kind of crypto.

Community Coins are social tokens that are a fully customizable, branded cryptocurrency unique to the individual community. When you buy and hold $SALES coin you get rewards and discounts as a Sales Success Community member. Think of it like rewards miles, but 1000 times better. And, as our community grows, we will be using $SALES coin to build our own economy.

I know. You’re thinking, “how do I get some of that amazing $SALES coin?”

Well…you are in luck. There are a couple ways to get $SALES coin.

First, by subscribing to The Listener List (newsletter), we are going to send you $10 USD in $SALES to get started.

Second, you can get $10 USD in $SALES for every new sales professional you refer with your unique referral link found in your newsletter.* [Coming Soon!]

Lastly, if you’d rather just buy some $SALES without doing any work, you can purchase $SALES on the Rally.io network (where $SALES coin trades). Just pick up a Rally username and go to the $SALES coin main page. Buy all you like.

*$SALES coin subscription and referral pay-out program is NOT available in all countries. $SALES subscription and referral program is subject to change, at any time, without notice. Sales Success Media reserves the right to reject referrals at their discretion.

What can you do with $SALES coin?

Well…a lot actually.

Once you have some $SALES coin, you get exclusive access to our private Slack community, where you can learn and share with other top performing sales professionals.

You can use it to purchase books, Sales Success Summit tickets, and many other things created by your fellow Sales Success Community members.

Eventually you might be able to buy some cool merch. You can gift it. And, if you want, you can even exchange it for real dollars.

I know, sounds too good to be true, right?

As the Sales Success Community grows, we’ll be looking for more ways to use $SALES coin to reward you as a community member. If you have some ideas on how we could leverage $SALES better, please contact us here.

$SALES coin benefits and uses

We’re in the very earliest stages of launching the $SALES coin and this list will grow and evolve over time, but here are a few things to look for:

  • Access to our private Sales Success Community Slack
  • Ability to purchase a signed copy of the first Sales Success Stories Book (US Only)
  • Limited options to purchase a ticket to the 2022 Sales Success Summit at a significant discount using $SALES coins!
  • Active members of the Sales Success Community who hold at least 1% of the coins will be invited to the Coin Council

Important Note: This explainer page was blatantly ripped off from Joe Pulizzi and The Tilt ($TILT). Joe does an incredible job of articulating The Business Model for Community Tokens that I’d highly encourage you to read, and if you like $SALES you’ll probably like $TILT too. Here’s a referral link to get us both $5 USD worth of $TILT!


Please note: $SALES coin subscription and referral pay-out program is NOT available in all countries. $SALES subscription and referral program is subject to change, at any time, without notice. Sales Success Media reserves the right to reject referrals at their discretion.