Greg Crisci is the top Senior Enterprise Account Executive at Upwards, a technology-driven care solutions company with a mission to make care accessible to all families and empower the caregivers who provide it. Upwards matches families with caregivers equipped to meet their unique needs and connects families with the resources they need to afford care. Greg has always had an entrepreneurial spirit, from selling trading cards and candy as a youth to venturing into entrepreneurship early in his career. Greg is a highly driven, hard-working sales professional who utilizes his experience and skills to drive sales, teams, and performance. It is his mission to create internal champions for childcare support programs within enterprise organizations across the US.
Today, Greg joins the show to share his sales origin story, his struggles and battle with addiction, and his philosophy on Sales. Greg is driven by more than money. For him, it’s the ability to look at something impactful and be proud of accomplishing that positive impact. Greg takes the audience through a typical day in the life. That begins with his recent quest for the best sleep ever in order to be the most productive version of himself. Greg goes to bed early and capitalizes on his most productive time of the day, usually between 6 am and 2 pm. That is when he tries to accomplish his most strategic and thoughtful work. Then, in the afternoon, he shifts gears to demos, interna/l/external meetings, and reprioritizing his days ahead.
Greg and Scott cover the topics of burnout, advice Greg would give to struggling sales professionals who have hit a wall, and the concept of being novel in a quest for knowledge. Greg shares his information diet and talks about some of the most impactful books and podcasts he’s consuming. Finally, Greg issues an actionable challenge to the audience. He challenges listeners to do something foundational. Tune in a bit. If you find yourself being triggered by something, tune in and see why it is triggering you. You may find that you’re able to influence it. Those ‘Aha’ moments lead you to a certain level of root cause analysis, which is what we’re all trying to do in Sales. We’re trying to identify the root cause so we can layer on your services to solve that root cause.
What We Covered:
00:01 – Scott thanks today’s sponsor, The Sales Collective
01:02 – Scott welcomes to the show Greg Crisci
01:20 – The top three things that Greg attributes to his success
02:05 – Number One: Greg’s ability to challenge the status quo
03:24 – Number Two: Falling in love with the industry of Sales
05:57 – Number Three: Content curation, organization, and a design mindset
09:25 – Greg quantifies his role at Upwards and speaks to his sales results
13:58 – Greg’s sales origin story
18:53 – Battling with addiction
21:44 – The shift from entrepreneurship to Sales
25:45 – Dealing with burnout
29:13 – What Greg would do differently if given the chance
31:14 – Being novel in a quest for knowledge
38:12 – Greg takes the audience through a typical day in the life
46:18 – Greg’s information diet
48:45 – One of Greg’s beliefs that the average sales professional would think is crazy
54:13 – Greg expounds on the intricacies of Upwards
1:05:10 – Advice Greg would give to an upstart sales professional
1:07:54 – Advice Greg would give to a struggling sales professional looking to find that next level
1:11:48 – What preceded Greg’s decision to seek out help for his addiction
1:13:40 – Greg issues an actionable challenge to the audience
“I’m in Sales! And Sales is some form of a gamble. You have the lows; you have the highs. And they can be really low and they can be really high. But, as you see from my origin story, that’s just how I was wired.” (17:06)
“For me, especially as a start-up like an underdog, it’s the ability to say, ‘I did that. I built that. I sold that. I got into that account. It’s the impact that I had versus the money that I got.” (20:41)
“I was driven by something bigger than money. I was driven towards proving myself. It was more than just money that drove me to want to keep going.” (28:05)
“You need to dive into how you deliver a monologue where the outcome is the person on the edge of their seat saying, ‘Keep going.’” (50:26)
“It started to become not that we just helped public families and employers. The ecosystem model, which was the one we had to get to, required that the government be part of the equation. Employers have to be part of the equation. Families have to be part of the equation. Caregivers have to be part of the equation.” (1:01:07)
“If you are starting out [in Sales] now, keep front and center your mental health. And that means having some support system, having some awareness that things are gonna go up and things are gonna go down.” (1:06:35)
Links Mentioned:
ALL Enterprise Sales Episodes
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Books Mentioned:
The Unsold Mindset
Ego Is the Enemy
The Untethered Soul