David Weiss is a top performer and expert in sales strategy, sales operations, training, and the ways companies brand themselves to attract a target audience. In this very special bonus episode, Scott welcomes David to engage in a conversation on today’s topic, Investing and Side Hustling for Sales Professionals.
David and Scott touch on subjects such as dollar-cost averaging, cryptocurrency, REITS, owning your own residence, and much more. David shares his thoughts on side hustles and why he believes that most sales professionals jump into their side hustles too quickly and at the expense of their everyday hustles. Finally, David speaks to his ability to build networks and foster relationships and why those two things have been critical to his success.
What We Covered:
00:01 – Scott takes a moment to thanks today’s sponsor, the brand new Sales Community Coin: $SALES
00:25 – Scott takes a moment to welcome today’s guest, David Weiss, who joins the show to discuss Investing & Side Hustling for Sales Professionals
02:31 – David’s thought process behind money management
06:17 – Living to your base salary instead of your commissions
10:42 – Retirement, real estate, and other investments David allocates his extra income to
14:54 – Fear and greed and why dollar cost averaging is crucial
19:50 – Scott and David discuss their own thoughts on investment strategies
27:29 – Owning your own real estate
35:31 – Scott and David provide their thoughts on the right way to go about side hustles
44:38 – David speaks to his own side hustle and the results he’s been able to achieve
47:09 – Posting content and growing an audience using LinkedIn
52:37 – More sage advice on side hustles
56:16 – Building networks and fostering connections
58:15 – Scott takes a moment to promote David’s MEDDPIC course and how owning $SALES Coin can help you gain access at a discounted rate
1:00:58 – Scott thanks David for joining the show to engage in this conversation
“My philosophy which I live by is, ‘Live to your base. Your commissions are for investments. And I’m going to invest, after taxes, pretty much all of my commissions.’” (05:06)
“The thought that I’ve often had is that same idea that when other people are being super greedy and the market is at the top, that’s when you should be selling and finding other things. And when people are super scared and the market is going down, that’s when you buy what I like to think is assets on sale. Think of it like Black Friday and you’re trying to buy your electronics at half price.” (18:39)
“I’m a big believer that before you spin up a side hustle, you need to get really good at your hustle.” (36:24)
“So much in life is just being smart with time management and saying, ‘Where am I getting the most value? Where am I making the most money? Where am I having the biggest impact? Let me allocate those things accordingly to get the best possible outcome.’” (52:18)
“My ethos, what I wake up for every single day, one of my core ‘Whys’ is I have a desire to help the sales community be its best self and help sellers reach their potential.” (56:36)
Links Mentioned:
$Sales Coin Intro
2022 Sales Success Summit
ALL Enterprise Sales Episodes
ALL SDR Episodes
David Weiss on LinkedIn
MEDDPICC Master Class
Secular Bear Markets
Fear & Greed in the Market
Article on Cryptocurrency