This bonus episode of the Sales Success Stories podcast is brought to you thanks to all of our amazing sponsors who are making it possible for us to bring you the Sales Success Summit Live Stream Experience for free. To learn about our sponsors and to register for the Summit. Just click over to
Today on the Sales Success Stories podcast I wanted to tell you about a sales internship program we’re working on building, and ask for your help to identify the perfect candidates, or maybe you are the perfect candidate? If you’re already an active listener, then you’ve got a huge advantage and head start.
As we build towards this year’s Sales Success Summit we’re looking for 3 individuals who will help us proactively reach out to sales leaders at targeted companies to invite them and their teams to join us on the Live Stream Experience.
I’m not even sure it’s fair to call this sales, because all you’ll be doing is reaching out to offer something of value that doesn’t cost a dime.
The perfect candidate is somebody who’s really driven and looking to break into sales, or it could be somebody that’s between roles who’s looking to stay sharp and build some great new relationships and show off their skills to a whole lot of senior sales leaders.
This isn’t a long-term thing as the Summit is less than 7 weeks away and our thought is that you’d put in 20-30 hours a week of effort while also interviewing and otherwise growing your skillset.
We’ll provide all of the tools you need including a email address, access to our CRM, a LinkedIn Sales Navigator account, and more. You’ll get coaching and support from myself and Richard Balius who has a couple of decades of sales leadership experience.
You’ll be paid for each person within your target accounts who signs up, and after you’ve achieved the requisite number of registrations you’ll earn a seat at the sold-out Sales Success Summit virtual experience with just 100 others where you’ll have an opportunity to interact directly with over 25 of the top-performing sales professionals that you’ve heard on this show. It’s the ultimate networking opportunity.
Our goal is to help you fast track your sales career and grow your personal brand. We’re also planning to hire for 1 or 2 permanent roles after the Summit, and we’ll certainly be looking at the top interns first.
If you know somebody that would be the perfect fit for this internship, please have them listen to this episode, and here’s how to apply. Do it fast because the fuse for this opportunity is super short:
First, register for the Sales Success Summit Live Stream Experience yourself at so you can see what it’s like and get the follow-up/welcome email and video from me.
Then get at least 3 of your friends in sales to do the same. Make sure they put your name in the “How did you hear about the Summit?” field. That should give you a sense of how easy it is to ask others to join us.
Then create a Vidyard video introducing yourself and explaining why you’re interested in this opportunity and email it to and You’ll also find the free Vidyard plugin at
Don’t overthink this step. Just record your video and send it, and we’ll reply to everyone who sends one so you know exactly where you stand.
Our goal is to build a really valuable experience. You’ll have an opportunity to earn a few bucks, earn a seat at the table with some of the best of the best in sales today, reach out to sales leaders with something of value, and set yourself up for a great future in sales with the experience, mentoring and relationships you’ll build.
Thanks for your help and thanks for listening. We’ll be back next week with another amazing interview where I’ll deconstruct another top-performing sales professional and try to understand what makes them great. I’ll talk to you then, oh, and thanks so much for helping us find some of the best sales interns the sales community has ever seen.