Early Access for Subscribers ONLY. Please share https://top1.fm/LinkedInSalesStars and NOT this page!
Are you ready to take your LinkedIn game to the next level?
Ready to learn from the professionals in the sales community who are actually doing it the best?
I am thrilled to bring you this incredible set of tips and insights from 36 real LinkedIn Sales Stars.
There are three ways to get your hands on this content that WILL make you better on LinkedIn.
Watch the Finding Sales Success on LinkedIn Webinar:
Read the PDF (it’s free and it’s right here. Dig in!):
Buy the eBook (currently available to pre-order on Amazon. Official release on 4/15):
I’ll also be working to maintain this list of 50-100 LinkedIn Sales Stars for at least the next 12 months. Look for the next update in late April or early May 2020. Want to nominate someone for inclusion? Drop a link to your/their LinkedIn profile in the comments below [Not available in the sneak preview. Look at the official page starting at 11am CDT]. Be sure to see the introduction in the PDF to understand the engagement measurement model and criteria:
Those listed in bold contributed to the LinkedIn Sales Stars project.