Clip from Episode 27: Selling Professional Services – Reed Clarke of LeadMD:
On the spectrum of introverted versus extroverted I’m definitely on the introverted side. I truly believe that the best enterprise sales people are more on that introverted side. Because you can’t have that ultra extroverted person is super excited to sell you in a seven month sales cycle. You’re just not that excited about everything for seven months. I think being patient and being more strategic and being more introverted actually lends itself much much better to creating those relationships in an enterprise sale. Now that being said there are certain things that I’ve learned along the way and that is you can’t let your ego take a beating and going back to what I said about you’re not understand your true self when you’re selling because sometimes you have to be more on that extroverted side you have to create that energy if it’s not there. And you know another piece I like to think about is putting on your sales armor. So you know wake up every day and put on that uniform of sales and at the end of the day if you got told no 10 out of 10 times take off the sales armor and go be your normal self again and that you know you’re not being told no because of you you’re being told because the persona of you who is the sales person didn’t work out that day and you know really being able to shrug off that and say well hey that didn’t work out today. Let’s let’s throw the armor back on tomorrow and see if it will work better tomorrow. So you know once they learn that you know it really helped with the rejection portion of sales. I think a lot of up and coming sales people end up quitting sales much much too soon because of the rejection piece of it. Nobody bats 1000. You’ve got to think of it in baseball you hit 300 for a career you’re in the hall of fame. So 3 out of 10 is not bad in sales and that’s kind of the same thing.