Clip from Episode 24: ADP Sales Pro, David Weiss, on Generating 2-3X Results with a Strong Sales Methodology:
Talk about how you think about goals and just your approach to that in general. I take very much a Start with Why. What do I really want in life and why do I want it, and work my way backwards. And these are, I’m talking you know lifelong goals and I’m talking five year goals and one year goals and heck it could be a one week goal. The why are the end results you’re trying to get can really shape how you do it and what you do. So I don’t know have you ever watched Simon Sinek Start with Why? Oh yeah absolutely. I think that… if you’re listening to this and you haven’t watched that yet like that’s required. That’s required watching as part of this show. So if you’ve not done that yet. Like hit pause go watch that. And then you’re allowed to resume as a fan of the show. I couldn’t agree more. Simon is a brilliant person. He is a very positive impact on the world. So love the guy anyway. So I try and look at what are those things. And then work backwards in what I need to do to achieve them. So for instance if I want to make a certain amount of money this year and whatever that amount of money is means that I need to be a certain percentage of plan. In order to be a certain percentage of plan I need to sell a certain amount of deals. In order to sell a certain amount of deals I need to have a certain number of appointments and number of opportunities. In order to have a certain number of opportunities that pan out. I need a certain number of appointments. In order to have a number of appointments I need to have a certain number of outreaches and how all that fits together and I look at that and say OK here’s what I need to do to accomplish that goal. And it doesn’t necessarily need to be hitting goal it could be I want to lose 10 pounds. Alright, so if I want to lose 10 pounds you know here’s what I need to do this week this month to from diet and exercise perspective and work my way backwards and plan it out and then go do it and hold myself accountable to it.