Clip from Episode 27: Selling Professional Services – Reed Clarke of LeadMD:
The whole used car salesman thing it really just turns me in the wrong way when people think of sales with this negative connotation of things. I don’t understand it completely because I love being sold. My favorite thing is going into a store and you know getting pitched and being sold and I’ll ask immediately are you guys commissioned. Because if you are I love it even more because I know you’re going to work hard for my business. You know if a kid comes to my door and sell chocolates I may or may not buy depending on how good he is but I’ll definitely help him out and tell him some tips on how to sell my neighbors. So I really love sales. I love the strategy behind it the process because I truly believe that a professional salesperson does not believe, should not stay in that same category as a used car salesman and that negative connotation. So that pretty much pisses me off when I when I start to hear that. The greatest thing about working in one the tech industry, but also the sales and marketing industry is that everyone understands how vital sales is. So no we don’t have to deal with that too much. In this world because we’re working with sales teams we’re working with a marketing teams. They understand how sales works and we’re doing the same thing that they wish that their organization was doing. So I love being in this space because that connotation goes away for the most part because it’s very consultative. They understand what we’re there to do when at the same time we’re not trying to pull the wool over anybody’s eyes or sell them something and take it away from him or anything like that. There’s really no bait and switch in this. The proof is in the pudding when it comes to services and consulting.