Clip from Episode 20 featuring Cvent’s Top Enterprise Sales Rep – Barry Womack:
I would say I’m more actively involved than most when it comes to marketing. I love to be that hand raiser that says: ‘I’ll be involved with how we develop the deck and the PowerPoint and the presentation’ just because I feel strongly, especially with the success that I’ve had and where we’ve gone in different areas of our platform. I like to be heavily involved. A lot of that is just providing. A lot of times marketing teams love to get sales involved to figure out what success stories do we need to put out there that’s going to resonate with your customers. Those are things I like to volunteer and carry up and make introductions to my customers that are experiencing success to talk through what they’ve achieved and how they’re achieving it. Part of that is just raising your hand and trying to get involved, because I think a lot of people are reactive and you get content from marketing that might not be applicable and if I can help avoid that and make it benefit me and my customers then I’m all over it.