Clip from Episode 24: ADP Sales Pro, David Weiss, on Generating 2-3X Results with a Strong Sales Methodology:
You said that you won’t travel basically on spec. So at what point would you typically go on site to see a client and how much green… what are you using to determine whether or not that’s qualified. So what I’m looking for is it’s often right around the demo stage and what I’m looking for is economic buyer what I’m looking for is metrics and what I’m looking for is clear pain. If we can solve a problem there’s a business case for it and I have a conversation about the problem that we can solve and the implications on it with a VITO,CXO what have you. The person that could actually sign or the the person making the ultimate decision. I will get in the car, I will get on a plane, I will travel to the other side of the world at that point. But if we don’t know the problem solving and if we don’t have a business case to solve it and we don’t have this person making the decision that were actually presented to. I often won’t travel. I’ll do it virtually until we’re at that stage.