Jeremy Terman is the top seller at DoorDash, a technology company that connects customers with their favorite local and national businesses in over 4,000 cities and all 50 states across the United States and Canada. Jeremy works primarily on enterprise partnerships and has spent the past year focusing on net new DoorDash partnerships as well as franchise engagement and adoption strategies. With purposefulness, intention, and a ‘rhino’ mentality, Jeremy has been able to cultivate massive success in his role and industry.
In this episode, Jeremy speaks to his sales origin story and subsequent journey that led him to his current role at DoorDash. Jeremy shares his sales philosophy which centers on the concepts of being intentional, being the best he can be, and leaving everything out there on the field. Jeremy shares the three things he attributes to his success, including perseverance, networking, and having a set process in place. Along with a positive attitude and an intense work ethic, Jeremy has leveraged these attributes to unlock sales success within his organization.
Jeremy takes the audience through a typical day in the life, from waking up early and getting in a quick workout to focusing on building projects and other business-related activities, executing meetings and preparing for the day ahead. For Jeremy, it’s all about being prescriptive and intentional with his time. It can be all too easy to lose focus while putting in fourteen to sixteen-hour workdays. Jeremy even integrates this strategy in his travel schedule, booking the earliest flights available in order to maximize his days. Finally, Jeremy issues an actionable challenge to the audience. He encourages you to be intentional, reach out to five people that you’d like to learn from, find what you’re passionate about and evaluate your process to ensure you’re being as effective as possible.
What We Covered:
00:24 – Scott welcomes today’s guest, Jeremy Terman
00:37 – The top three things Jeremy attributes to his sales success
01:03 – Number 1: Networking
02:08 – Number 2: Process
03:18 – Number 3: Persistence
04:28 – Jeremy’s role at DoorDash
07:28 – Jeremy’s experience with Pocket Points and how it impacted his sales career
11:30 – How Jeremy has approached building and creating roles
15:11 – Balancing business development while servicing existing clients
18:54 – Jeremy discusses his side hustles and his entrepreneurial spirit and mentality
22:36 – Defining ‘Rhinoceros Success’
26:28 – Jeremy describes a typical day in the life
29:35 – The books, news, podcasts, and trade information that Jeremy consumes
30:58 – Tools and apps that Jeremy uses on a daily basis
32:45 – Jeremy speaks to the importance of accountability
37:54 – Advice Jeremy would give to those looking to increase their sales exponentially
40:49 – The specific sales philosophy Jeremy subscribes to
45:59 – How often Jeremy checks his email and Slack messages
50:23 – Jeremy’s prospecting routine
54:09 – What motivates and drives Jeremy and the accomplishment he is most proud of
56:28 – How Jeremy has leveraged and capitalized on the mentors in his career
1:01:32 – Obstacles and challenges Jeremy has had to overcome throughout his career
1:03:48 – Jeremy’s sales playbook
1:05:29 – Jeremy’s top travel tips and the importance he places on sleep
1:10:36 – Learning through failure
1:12:52 – The most important lesson Jeremy has learned
1:15:19 – What Jeremy would do differently if given the opportunity
1:18:52 – One of Jeremy’s beliefs that the average sales rep would think is crazy
1:22:21 – An average sales rep’s belief that Jeremy thinks is crazy
1:29:53 – Advice Jeremy would give to an upstart salesperson
1:34:36 – Advice Jeremy would give to salespeople struggling during these trying times
1:37:15 – Insights Jeremy would like to learn from other top sellers
1:38:32 – Jeremy answers the question, ‘What makes you great?’
1:39:45 – Jeremy’s actionable challenge to the audience
“I have a great philosophy that ‘No means Know.’ So, no means K-N-O-W. And that goes back to knowledge. Information drives decisions.” (03:21)
“Part of why I’ve been successful is I put in a fourteen or sixteen-hour day for weeks and months on end. And yeah it’s not the right work-life balance, but once you’ve built such a strong foundation and sales funnel you then can pull it back.” (40:02)
“I just have an innate feeling of I just want to be successful. I want to be the best at what I do because it’s just that natural energy.” (54:19)
“If you put yourself in a position to succeed based on what you know will make you successful long-term, you’re gonna end up on the right path.” (1:14:28)
Links Mentioned:
Sales Success Stories Podcast Website
2019 Sales Success Summit Videos
2020 Sales Success Summit
4P Process for Producing Profit Presentation
Jeremy Terman on LinkedIn
The Summit Podcast on Spotify
The Summit Podcast on Apple Podcast
Tools Mentioned:
Pocket Points
Google Calendar
Air Table
Google Suite
Sales Force
Books Mentioned:
Never Split the Difference
How to Become a Rainmaker
Podcast Mentioned:
Sales Success Stories Podcast
Daily Sales Tips Podcast
The Jordan Harbinger Show
How I Built This