Clip from Episode 39: Microsoft’s #1 Inside Sales Corporate Account Manager – Phil Terrill:
And my upbringing my you know my mom and my step dad have a business. And so I was able to you know take the learning I had at that company where I you know I used to sit you know every week with our CFO. And I actually went through you know our PNL statements our earnings reports and things like that. And so then that helped me really learn how to go look at a business you know because at the end of the day a lot of people make decisions of data off and especially on their financials and the financials tell the story. And so once I got really comfortable learning how to look how businesses manage their money and how they make decisions off of you know their financial decisions. You know I became like what I would call like close to dangerous. Like I wasn’t enough because I didn’t study finance or any of these things. But this combination of entrepreneurialism like going to actually work in corporate you know then smashing those together in a sales role like this one inside sales actually you know really helped me just go to town in a different way than people normally anticipated and it helped me have some of those even broader business conversations just given the background.