Clip from Episode 26: How Car Salesman John Hinkson Sold 1600 Cars in his First 3 Years:
Every day you must train every day. I think that’s it’s very important. We’ll go over objections just things to help you help your business. You know basically you’re even though you’re in sales and you work for the dealership you’re still kind of like your own business inside the dealership. So it’s important to train great stuff that we learn everyday and just it helps you build your business. You know how to cold call just a variety of things. You know closing you know objections that people might have and how to overcome them and succeed basically. If you don’t train everyday. I mean look at the top athletes in the world you’re Michael Jordan or LeBron James. They don’t just show up to the basketball game that day they’re out training day in day out they’re doing the extra training that puts them in that elite status. You know they do it every day. It doesn’t matter if it’s Sunday Saturday whatever you’re constantly You need to train so that you’re better. You can’t just be complacent and say hey I hope somebody shows up today. No, you’ve gotta do that work. You’ve got to constantly work train and make yourself the top. So I think it’s very important that anybody that’s in sales they need to they need to learn and you don’t know everything. Things change. Technology changes you always got to be on top of the game. So training is so important. You know reading soaking in knowledge from different things. Even go in and look at other sales people what they’re doing. You get some great ideas like that.