Clip from Episode 30: Getting to #1 Through Personal Relationships – Jelle den Dunnen of Bullhorn:
I’m not using a lot of tools right now because to be honest I’m getting a lot of business from my network that allows me to stay busy enough to not have to get out there too much. Got it. And is that what do you attribute that to is it just longevity in the business you’ve been doing this long enough. Your are well-established enough and you’ve built that network up over time that you know it is generating enough intros for you? Talk about that a little bit more. So definitely absolutely that. So I’ve worked a lot of the first couple of years when I came into the recruitment industry when I was recruited myself to build that network spend a lot of time on on Twitter and Linked-In building connections building relationships with people meeting them on events. I think I attended like one or two events every single month over a couple of years and that really you know did a lot of the ground work and the legwork for building out my network. So I think the last couple of years it’s also due to the fact that we have a good presence globally and we can make a lot of impact to the business so it’s quite easy to use that and work with the accounts and prospect that you work with.