Clip from Episode 8: Jacquelyn Nicholson of Percolate:
A lot of times I would sit there like I mentioned to you I’d sit in these presentations just thinking oh my god do you even know what Johnson and Johnson does? Do you know we make? Do you care why we want to do this? And that’s when I sort of a light came on and I said you know I would be really good at selling. But by gosh I am not going to sell this way. So you learn firsthand everything not to do? In a way you know I did meet some wonderful people along the way. And when you ask me this question I thought back about those business solutions I chose to buy and they were the people that came in and really cared what the implications were for us. They cared about what was important. They made it easy to buy from them and they made it simple for for me and the team to understand. And they provided just everything as part of the solution that was important to us. And that’s. And they really understood the deadlines they understood what was frustrating for us they understood the budget limitations we had they understood why we were doing this project in the first place and how new it was to a fantastic company that’s not necessarily always the first to embrace technology. So that’s who we chose to do business with that those were the people that really made it simple and that’s it that really affected me as I became a seller.