Clip from Episode 30: Getting to #1 Through Personal Relationships – Jelle den Dunnen of Bullhorn:
I would say qualification and efficiency. So typically if your average performing and you know there’s more there that you can do. Look at what you’re already doing where are you being less efficient. Where are you losing time. Where are you putting in a lot of efforts where you perhaps can you know be quicker or be more accurate on things. So it also comes down at looking at efficiency and deal qualification that would kind of make sure that you decrease the time that you spend in waste on deals that you were never going to win in the first place. And that often means that you have to be rigid. You have to be direct. Last year I worked on I think an average number of opportunities per quarter. There were like 18 today I’d like to work on like eight opportunities at a time and I’m closing more deals. Right. Quality over quantity. Absolutely.