Clip from Episode 30: Getting to #1 Through Personal Relationships – Jelle den Dunnen of Bullhorn:
Once I’ve kind of recognized the deals that I have in my pipeline and I qualify them on you know how live they are how real they are. I also look at how much of a match are they not only with the technology that we provide but also with our company our culture and the way that we do things as well as that I do things personally because the personal relationship that you have with your prospects is very important as well. If you can’t get along then you won’t sell it to them eventually or it’s going to be a lot a lot of work. Versus how easy it can be when you have a good relationship so that’s also a very important criteria for me as well. In my day to day work I would say that every single day I look at my key deals and see what can I do for these deals today. What are the open items that I still need to do. So that’s kind of how I look on a day to day basis. On a per deal strategy. I think the interviews are most important that we do quite early on in the process to understand more about the business of the prospect itself their goals their challenges and where you can make an impact for them. And that’s what I used to recognize and decide what the right strategy is.