If you’ve found your way to this page it’s likely because you heard my conversation with Dianna Geairn and Shawn Karol Sandy on The SellOut Show.
Thanks for listening, and more importantly thanks for actually taking action based on what you heard. That tells me you’re already well on your way to to sales success and I hope the additional materials I’ve worked to curate for you here proves to be valuable.
First a couple actions for you to consider:
- Subscribe to the Sales Success Stories Podcast. You’ll find links to the right (or below if you’re viewing this on mobile)
- Join our mailing list and get a special invite to our exclusive Sales Success Community
If you were interest in the Sales Success Summit (and it’s before 5/7/18) this landing page provides lots of details AND will set you up with a referral code worth $250 off: top1sales.wpengine.com/250
If you’d like to purchase videos of the 13 sessions and over 11 hours of content from the Summit you can find a special offer for that here: top1sales.wpengine.com/indogogo
Here are the 6 steps on the road to sales success from my discussion with Shawn and Dianna along with some relevant clips and episodes to back them up:
Josh Mueller of Cutco – If it’s not world class, don’t sell it!