Clip from Episode 41: The Top SDR at DiscoverOrg – Josh Sutton – Grit & Doing What Others Aren’t Willing To Do:
Whether or not somebody is going to buy it from me or whether or not somebody is going to take a meeting for you or whatever reason you know if they do buy from you or if they don’t or if they do take a meeting from you. It’s all about having that personal you know connecting with somebody on a human level. And if you got shared interests in and building those relationships further than just a means to an end. I guy I still talk to some of the people that have said that I’ve set meetings with that ended up you know buying. And I still keep in touch like I feel like some people in my in the SDR role would forget about them after the meeting or after the sale. And you know LinkedIn has been great a big help with that by connecting with people and staying in touch. And so you know for me it’s a benefit because I can see also like if they go to a different company maybe I can help and there but really just you know don’t forget about them after you know they’ve taken that meeting or after they bought it from you. It’s OK to continue to foster that relationship because you know down the road they might need you. You might need them and it’s just they know that that’s what makes the sales role so great is it being able to have those relationships in and the ones that that are fostering those and maintain relationships and keeping in touch or are the ones that are going to be the most successful.