Clip from Episode 31: SalesLoft’s Top AE – Kevin Walkup – Leverage Your Network:
Ralph Barsi earlier he is the one that taught me about putting a ten on everybody’s head. I highly recommend his blog posts. B-A-R-S-I absolutely fantastic content. He’s a thought leader in the space is a mentor to me and really just clear minded on sales, sales process, sales methodology of being most effective building your own brand for yourself and I would say that’s my number one. David Cummings also has some great content as well. I follow his blog he puts out a blog I think he’s been doing consecutively for like three years. He puts out a blog post every single day. And what that means it’s not going to be the longest blog posts which is great because as sales people we can’t sit still. Like you mentioned earlier and you know I just a really short little quip it might be two paragraphs. I love reading David’s content. It’s quick it’s easy to read and it’s relevant. So David and Ralph are two of my favorites that I like to read on a daily basis.